Arguments and plans

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Y/n's p.o.v

The day went on in quite a rush as Charlie and the rest of the duo ran around placing decorations in every nook and cranny possible. Black roses and tapestries hung on walls. I sighed watching angel yelling at Alastor about his annoying pet pig and husk was out cold at the bar i guessed it was as usual from Charlie's reaction. Niffty was zooming each and every way complaining about either this or that. The chaos made it hard for me to get any further than a paragraph in my book. I placed it down gently on the side table and got up to stretch. I walked over to the front room and breathed in deeply.


Everyone stopped abruptly looking over at me with wide eyes. Everyone except Alastor who stood up straight and grinned that annoying wide smile of his. I placed my hand on my forehead and rubbed it in frustration.

"Instead of doing everything without a plan how about we take the time to actually communicate and place people in different areas of the hotel to get this shit rolling. You all make it impossible to enjoy a good read." Charlie peered around for a moment before slumping her shoulders.

"I'm sorry y/n. I guess we haven't given the best first impression.." Vaggie came up beside her and rubbed her back.

"It's not your fault hon." I watched Vaggie caress Charlie and couldn't help but to roll my eyes.

"Actually yes. It is her fault." I spoke up. Vaggie shot her head up darting her eyes toward me with a DONT you dare. "BUT, it's not only hers. Of course she's the owner and should be able to keep control of her staff. The rest of you.." i look towards the rest of the duo. "Should know how to behave and act more mature."

"Ha! Wouldja look at that. Miss periwinkle is ova here actin like a second motha." Angel spoke up laughing. I glared at him and grunted disgusted by the nickname given to me. Alastor sat at the bar stool chuckling quietly at the fact he was no longer the only one with a vile nickname. The look on my face priceless.

I huffed in irritation. " listen little miss cum dumpster. If you want the attention that bad I'm sure your sweet little Valentino daddy can give you it." I growled lightly. Angel stood mouth agape before picking up his fat little pink nuisance and storming off. I cleared my throat before speaking up again. One less of a problem i thought.

"Now then. I'm not really interested in your "ball" but if it keeps you all quiet I can help you figure out where you should be needed by your strengths." Charlie lifted her head up right and a small smile danced on her lips. "Really?! You'd help us?"

"Hardly. I'm only trying to get you out of my hair." I smirked and shrugged my shoulders. "Anywho, Charlie. What would you consider your strengths?" Charlie pondered for a moment before perking up excitedly. "I mean I am pretty good with paperwork. Getting lists written down and sending out information quickly!" I nodded my head. "So I presume then that pentagram city is aware of the ball?" Charlie's smile turned upside down as if she just now realized her mistake. "" it went silent for a moment before i spoke up again. "Okay how about we do this. Charlie and Vaggie. You both can set up fliers and hand them out around the city while husk.." i turned to the drunken ball of fur sitting behind the counter.
"well..I'll get that situated. Angel is tall so maybe I'll have him hang decorations. Niffty you're good with cleaning and cooking but maybe stick to the only room that our guests will be indulging in. Ah! Also figure out a recipe and snacks big enough for at least 100 people." Everyone stared in awe as i easily took charge.

"What shall I do my dear?" Alastor asked from behind me. I heard him but easily ignored his question and kept with talking to the rest of the crew.  Alastor's eyebrow twitched slightly hating that he wasn't getting a response or the attention he'd like. He tapped his microphone and spoke again this time through the glowing staff. "Y/n my dear~a word please?" Charlie and Vaggie both covered their ears as the echo rang through like a shock wave. Husk groaned loudly his hangover headache increasing. I stood for a moment before turning around slowly my eyes narrowing. "I heard you the first time you asked you prick." I hissed at him. Alastor grinned wider if even possible and bowed. "My apologies! I assumed that you couldn't hear so I used an anterior motive. No need to spit your venom." He raised back up snapping his neck to the side in an odd manner. My eye twitched and i huffed. "Fine. You know what you can do? You can go fu-" before i finished my sentence angel came stomping into the room dolled up in a mini skirt and a hand bag. Charlie ran to him quickly. "Wait angel! Where are you going? We need you." Angel rolled his eyes. "Listen doll. It's obvious I'm no use here at the moment so I'm gonna go get ma freak on." He fixed his chest fluff, blew a kiss at husk and walked out the front door before slamming it.

Charlie stood in astonishment for a moment before angrily snapping back at me. I shrugged my shoulders. "What? I tried to help." Charlie groaned and stomped away herself as Vaggie ran off after her giving me daggers before disappearing. The only ones left were myself, Alastor, niffty and husk hanging around in awkward silence.

"I think I'll just go and..clean the kitchen!" Niffty darted off quickly keeping the silence in place before hearing the sound of rum being poured into a glass. "Here. It'll calm the nerves." Husk offered the glass to me and i immediately accepted the offer. I walked on over to the bar sitting down exhausted and took a sip of the dark liquor cringing at the burning sensation in my throat. "This hotel is filled with nuisances.." i mumbled. Husk chuckled lightly. "Believe me. I know." He peered over at Alastor who was way to fascinated in his gloves. I also glanced over at him. Just his face pissed me off. I took another sip before my phone buzzed and peered at who was calling. I stood up quickly almost tipping my glass before thanking husk and running up to my room.

3rd person p.o.v

Then there were two left.

Alastor lifted his head and raised an eyebrow in the direction of y/n.


1143 words

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