Operation: get the hell out

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Alastor's p.o.v

Valentino stood motionless as I lifted my arms wide. I swung them back down but his long legs pulled him out of reach. I quickly teleported behind him and swung my arm out flinging him across the room into a wall. It crumbled leaving debris on his coat. "Ah shit..that hurt." I rushed at him again and clawed through the wall inches from his head black residue spilling from my mouth. "Are we done now my dear old friend?" I growled in his face.


I looked down seeing a hand gun placed to my chest then back up into Valentino's eyes. There was no sign of fear or backing down. I peeled back an ugly grin. "You won't kill me with something like this val." He smiled back and stood up before stumbling. "I don't plan on killing YOU Alastor." I snapped my head to the side confused before his gun aimed for what was behind me. I whirled around seeing y/n standing at the door eyes wide.




Y/n's p.o.v

The performance ended quicker than expected. I saw Alastor leave with Valentino while I danced and I felt as though al completely forgot about me. Once the curtain closed Angel was immediately at the cage fiddling with the door.

"Damn thing is impossible." He growled as he tried to snap the chain on the front. "Hold on toots. Give me less than five minutes. Just stay put." He got up and dashed off before I could even ask. I kneeled down heart pounding in my chest. Thoughts sped through my head and I couldn't help but be scared for once. Did Alastor really come here to find me? Maybe he was bored that he had no source of entertainment. I mean why else would the red pinstriped radio demon come all the way here? No, he isn't the type to waste his time to save an annoyance like me..would he? I pulled my knees into my chest and put my head down tears forming in my eyes blurring my vision. I just wanted to get out of here.

"I'm back!" I looked up to an out of breath angel holding a hand gun.

"Just stay still so I don't hit ya." He aimed the gun at the chain on the door and shot at it. The sound of metal hit the ground and he pulled the door open quickly. "Come on babes. Let's getchya outta here." Angel pulled on my arm but I snatched it back in a hurry. He looked at me irritated. "What are ya doin'?! Let's go!"

I shook my head. "I need to find al. He was here to get me right? So, I'm not leaving until then. Plus, my snakes. They're locked up somewhere." Angel groaned impatiently. "Listen sugar tits, it's best to leave ya self outta his mess. If he's with Val then that probably means trouble. If your snakes are locked up I'm sure I know where they're at and we can find them."

"I'm sorry angel but I'm going to have to refuse your offer. You're a great guy..in a way and I'm sorry for our encounter a week ago but can you please let me do this? If you're scared of what Valentino will do to you then please don't worry. My lips are sealed." I made a motion with my hand like I was zipping my lips shut. He fidgeted with all four of his hands before sighing.

"All is forgiven but I'm warnin' ya; be careful around those two. They probably went to val's office. Since ya apologized I'll look for your snakes." I smiled and gave angel a quick hug. "You're not have bad you know that?" He snorted and a light blush dusted his cheeks.

"Yeah yeah, I know now go before both of us get killed." I nodded and ran off. I wasn't sure exactly where val's office was but I assumed it was down the hall near the room he had me in earlier. Probably to keep a close eye on me. I followed the route I had taken only two hours prior passing through men and women clad in expensive suits and jewelry. I saw the hall straight ahead and dashed down past dressing rooms and bedrooms with porn star names on gold plaques drilled into white doors. I noticed a door at the end of the hall assuming it must be val's office and sped up. Voices were heard behind the door and I could hear Alastor.

"Something like this won't kill me val."

I quickly opened the door and my eyes widened. Alastor was hovering over Valentino even though in any other circumstance he was shorter. Val noticed me and he aimed what looked to be a gun in his hand in my direction.

"I don't plan on killing YOU Alastor."

A gunshot rang out and I heard al yell. I squeezed my eyes shut ready to feel the pain in my body but nothing happened. I slowly opened my eyes. Alastor had me gripped tightly against his chest and his long arms covered me in a shield like embrace. I could hear his heart pounding loudly like a drum. He must've teleported.


Alastor looked down and released his grip on me. His true form still very much there. "ma chérie, Are you hurt?"

I looked around seeing that we were still in val's office but everything had been flipped upside down. The window behind val's desk was shattered and picture frames laid on the ground. The white recliner sat on its side while several papers scattered the plush purple carpet. Valentino was sitting against the wall breathing heavily holding his left side as blood poured profusely in between his fingers. I looked back up at al almost breaking my neck to do so. There was no sign of color in his eyes. Nothing but an eternal darkness. His sadistic grin seemed more sinister and yet; I stood in front of him relief showering over me. I wrapped my arms around his waist and sobbed uncontrollably. Tears spilled in large droplets soaking the man's coat in front of me and I was no longer concerned about pride or my hate toward him. It was comforting. I felt..safe.

"Well, nngh..isn't this..a romantic scene. I'm touched." Valentino cackled and coughed up a bit of blood. I felt a growl rumble from Al's body and he peeled me off pushing me behind him. "We're not finished. I believe we have yet to finish this little game." He took a step forward but I tugged at his tailcoat making him hesitate. He slowly turned his head in my direction staring at me from the corner of his hollow eyes.

"Al, don't kill him. I'm okay now so let's just go please." I looked at him with pleading eyes. It was silent for a few moments except for val's ragged breathing. Alastor sighed heavily and turned back around facing me directly. His appearance seemed to shape shift and morph back into his if you could say softer demeanor. He reached his hand out tugging at my arm roughly and I was pressed back up against his chest. The smell of his woodsy spice cologne invaded my nose and I relaxed into the embrace. "Y/n.." I felt his forehead lean on top of my own head and his breath tickled the Violet strands of hair that were out of place. I couldn't help to feel at peace in the moment and felt a small smile creep up on my lips. "Can we leave?" I whispered into his chest. I heard him chuckle and he pulled away stealing the warmth with him.

"Of course my dear."

With that we were gone.

1308 words

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