Good night deer

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Y/n's p.o.v

I bit down on my tongue to keep from hissing at the pain of Alastor's cock inside me. I could feel it stretching my core leaving both pleasure and pain in between. I could feel it throb inside me and Alastor grunted loudly. "Oh god.." he mumbled. Something about him reacting in such a manner turned me on more than I already was and my walls tightened around him. He inhaled sharply and grabbed both of my wrists placing them behind my back while the other dug into my hip. I was completely immobile as he pulled out slowly and rammed back into me, my head bouncing off the door. I cried out in pleasure, his cock digging deep inside my hot core. Again, over and over hitting my most desired place. My hip began to hurt as his nails dug into me piercing the skin making me shudder. "Who knew." Wham. "You were such a." Wham. "masochist my dear." Alastor's breath became uneven and almost huffed out the words breathlessly. He pulled his hand from my hip and slid it up to my hair pulling my head back leaving it hard for me to catch breath, only heightening my senses of arousal. I know this wasn't love but I didn't seem to care. The feeling of ecstasy was enough to satisfy my sexual urges. Although I'm sure Alastor was aware of this too. He wasn't one to tamper in such a devious act but god damn was he a phenomenal fuck. He slowed down a bit making me whine at his action and he leaned over, his cheek now glistening with sweat against the side of my neck. His lips tickled my ear and he whispered huskily. "still think you've had better?" I pursed my lips tight trying to hold onto any pride I had left and not to grind myself against him. I grinned wide revealing my canines. "Y-you think you can get me off just by this you cannibalistic son of a bitch? How wrong you are." I was obviously lying to his face but to see the look of disbelief in his eyes was way to enjoyable. He growled and I could feel his chest rumble in turn. He pulled out roughly and spun me back around pulling my leg around his hip. "Your facade isn't attractive at all darling~" he purred. He aligned his cock at my entrance and I bit my lip, wide-eyed realizing the size of his member. No way in hell was I able to actually swallow that up inside. Before I tuned in to deeply in my thoughts he rammed in hard with a force that could've lifted me from my feet. "Oh fuck!~" I cried out. My hands immediately dug back into his coat wrinkling the seams. My dress slid down underneath my breast revealing my perked bud to the cool air. My wonton moans filled the room feeling the knot in my stomach form again. My clit brushed up against the rim of his pants edging me along toward my so needed climax.

"Tell me again how much better you've had." Alastor purred as his eyes darkened all sense of his gentlemanly demeanor gone. "You-Ah~! You aren't-fuck~!" Every time he slammed into me my senses faded and were replaced with absolute painful pleasure. I couldn't hold myself any longer. I wanted to cum. "Fuck, Alastor!!" I screamed his name and leaned over biting onto his coat and finally reached my peak. Everything blurred and a long throaty moan left my lips soaking Alastor's cock and my thighs. He groaned at the warm sensation chasing his own release his thrusts becoming sloppy. His hand slammed against the door behind me and placed his head on my shoulder breathing heavily giving me no time to calm down from my high. He grunted and I felt him pool his hot seed deep inside me leaving us both breathing heavily. He pulled out and lifted himself away from me combing his sweaty hair back. An empty feeling seized in my stomach making me frown from the sensation. Alastor didn't even look at me before trudging over the bathroom closing the door behind him.

I was wrong about him being a gentleman. He's an absolute narcissistic asshole.

I stood a moment with shaky legs and felt my arms tingle. The snake tattoo on my arm slithered and all sense came back to me. The vial. I peered around Alastor's room a moment hearing the shower run assuming he was cleaning himself up. I rolled my eyes. He just knew how to make a woman feel good about herself. I noticed a bottle of brandy in a fancy designed glass bottle and a few glasses sitting beside it. I smiled.


I walked over allowing the serpent on my arm to drop the vial from my skin as it protruded like a hand trying to tear from my flesh. It rolled down into my hand and I hummed. I pulled the top off the brandy bottle and hesitated a moment. What the hell was I doing? All because Alastor wanted the same thing as me? To overpower hell and take down Lucifer? Because I was that desperate for money? How pathetic could I get? I started to feel sort of a sense of guilt. The snakes on my arms wrapped around my wrists tightly as if telling me to get on it with it. I squeezed my eyes shut tight before taking in a deep breath and brushing off the feeling quickly. I needed to get a grip. It was as if I was..well..forming feelings for the deer demon. I laughed to myself. Love has never been my forte. I grabbed two glasses and poured the Remnants of the liquid into both cups. I twisted the lid of of my vial and spilled the Metallic liquid into Alastor's glass watching as it mixed in the brandy and faded. Just as I did so Alastor walked from the bathroom a lost look on his face and damp hair.
Damn, he almost looked..attractive?
I adverted my eyes away from him and picked up both glasses. "Al, I apo-"

"No y/n, I should be the one to apologize. My behavior was quite unruly. This should have never happened. I am not one to treat a lady so unmannerly." I was speechless. I almost wanted to take all words back of him being an asshole but decided against it. The more I thought about it the more I wanted to go against vox's wishes.

"It's fine." I replied plainly. "It won't happen again. Here, I poured us something to drink to calm the nerves. I'll be out of your hair afterwards." I handed the drink to him and he obliged without hesitation. "Thank you my dear." He downed it quickly and took an exhausted breath. I took a sip from my own glass peering at his from the corner of my eye watching as he sat on his bed. "Although this situation occurred in a way I wouldn't have wanted it I did mean when I said that you have me interested in you in other ways." Alastor spoke quietly. I raised my brow. "Sooo, you're saying you would've rather had us fucking in another manner? Some other type of circumstance?" He glared at me a moment before sighing. " that's far from what I meant. I can't seem to pinpoint exactly what it is but you just seem to get under my skin unlike any other. Something about you makes me want to know more. To just hear your voice. You make me uneasy.." his words began to come out slower. I took another sip of the brandy before placing the glass down on the table. It was almost time. "Is that so?" I questioned. He hummed in response and looked over to me his eyes hooded over and tired looking. He placed his hand on his forehead and squinted his eyes. "I may be more tired than I thought. Maybe it is time to retire for the night darling. I'm not feeling well." I quietly mused over his sedated state a wide grin pulling at my lips. " you may be right al~sleep seems like the ideal proposal right now." He slumped over on the bed and groaned. His vision darkened as his eyes became heavier. Before things turned black the last thing he said was "what have you done to me?" And closed his eyes to y/n's sinister grin.

"Good night deer."

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