5: paint cans

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Paintbrush took a deep breath and relaxed their body.

Paintbrush took off their bloodied shirt and threw it to the side, leaving them shirtless. They also had a tiny bit of blood on their shorts, hands, and face, but they were less noticeable than the shirt's massive blood stain which would be a giant red flag if someone saw them in it. Plus they were getting their hands dirty. Paintbrush dragged Fan's corpse behind the stage's backroom and locked the door just in case; thankfully Fan was in the right spot where his blood couldn't be seen. Fan was standing near the back of the stage where Paintbrush was during the scene. Paintbrush closed the curtains to the back of the stage where the blood was now hidden.

Paintbrush needed something blunt and something that could easily mash a body with ease, like a hammer. They had to quickly find a way to get Fan's corpse into smaller pieces which they knew was gonna take all night. They suspected that cutting up an entire corpse was no easy task \ and would take a while, but slamming Fan into a pulp was the only quick option they had. Secondly;\, Paintbrush needed to put his corpse into something that was concealed from sight,. The paint cans were the perfect storage, but they would have to use a lot of them. Thirdly, hiding the body and getting rid of the evidence was the hardest one for them since even if they left the slimmest bit of evidence behind, it would be game over for them.

Paintbrush put some gloves on, turned the lights off, closed the door, and walked out of the classroom. Their shorts, hands, and faces slightly bloodied. It was dead quiet since everyone, or mostly everyone, must have been fast asleep. Bumping into anyone was the last thing they wanted to do; it was the worst scenario they could think of being in. As they walked through the halls down to the basement to find the tool they needed, they heard someone talking around the corner. Paintbrush quickly hid behind a wall as they tried to control their breathing. "Speak of the devil." They thought.

It was Yang, no, Yin.

Paintbrush was confused, they noticed he was holding a case full of Test Tube's 626 and 627 as he walked by.

Was Yang sneaking out to split? Paintbrush was confused but right now wasn't the time to question Yang. It was in fact, dangerous to now.

Once the coast was clear, Paintbrush continued on their task. Paintbrush opened the door to the basement. They walked down the steps and turned on the light. Paintbrush saw a box of trash bags and a sledgehammer. Paintbrush picked those two items up and carried them with them. On their way out they turned off the light, closed the door, and went back to the art room.

Paintbrush unlocked the door to the art room, turned on the light, and locked the door behind them. They walked up to the back of the stage and softly put the items on the floor. Paintbrush grabbed Fan's corpse which was now limp so now he was easier to psychically manipulate, Paintbrush stuffed Fan into the bag and tied it shut with ease since Fan was smaller than them. Paintbrush wondered how the hell they were gonna make this hit quiet. Paintbrush looked over their shoulder to see a knee mat that would soften the noise of the blow.

Paintbrush slid the mat under the bag that Fan was in, They grabbed the hammer and raised it above their shoulder and hesitantly swung it down on the bag and spot where Fan's skull would be.

CRACK! thwump.

The noise of Fan's skull cracking open sent chills down the artist's spine, but thankfully it was concealed by the black trash bag so it wasn't as bad of a sight to see but the noise was enough to frighten Paintbrush. Paintbrush took another hit, They wouldn't stop until the bag was a gelatinous texture



and a few pops with disgusting flesh noises.

Paintbrush's arms were getting sore after a while. They inspected the texture of the bag to notice it was almost like a waterbed with chunks inside of it. They repulsed at the feeling of it, feeling overstimulated. Paintbrush grabbed the bag by the knot and propped it up next to some empty paint cans, they didn't want to open it up in full view to see the nasty sight of Fan's crushed-up body beaten to a pulp, so they grabbed the same scissors that they used to stab Fan with and cut the bag a little bit, making sure no blood leaked.

They held the bag and tilted it a little bit, pouring Fan's blood into the can carefully. One by one they filled up half of all the empty cans with blood until the bag was now more flesh than blood. It was time to grab the chunks out of the bag which Paintbrush dreaded but it was either getting off scot-free or being taken. Paintbrush opened the bag to their horror, Fan was nothing but a mangled and mutilated mess. Paintbrush almost vomited on spot before having to stop themself because it would be more work to clean up and evidence.

Paintbrush stuffed Fan's tissue and flesh into the cans.

Paintbrush grabbed a mallet and closed the paint cans shut, making sure they were tightly secured.

Paintbrush grabbed a mallet and closed the paint cans shut, making sure they were tightly secured

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Paintbrush wiped the sweat off their forehead. They never knew how laboring it was to get rid of a single body. Now all they needed to do was clean up and they would be on their way to bury him far away.

After hours of labor, getting rid of the blood on the scene, Paintbrush needed to clean themself up. Paintbrush took their bloody shirt and put it in a bag. They went to the bathroom and threw the rest of the bloody clothes they had into the bag getting ready to shower, leaving themself bare. As they stepped into the shower and turned on the water, they started to sob and sat on the floor of the shower. It was hard to see with tears in their eyes but all they could see was a light red running down the drain, eventually turning lighter and more clearer. Paintbrush wanted to wake up from this nightmare but it was all real. They killed one of their friends in a blind rage. Even if it was accidental they knew they would never be forgiven.

The noise of water trickling down filled Paintbrush's ears. It was comforting but at the same time deafening.

They wanted to escape this hell.

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