A justin bieber adoption story

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Hi,my name Abby I am a orphans have been in hear since the last four months I have just got back from a "vacation" (rehab) I know what your thinking what 14 year old goes to rehab well I guess I do i have Brown eyes and long brown hair.

Abby pov.

I woke up crying because I had a dream about (Ohh look jake she is crying leave me alone I yell and jake goes did you just yell at me no one does i look at my shoes while jake and Adan sat there calling me fat and useless I pushed them and ran home while crying I ran to my room and upstairs and did what I had to to ease the pain I locked my door and walked to my shelf on the wall and took my keepsake and typed in my pass code and pulled out the blade I rolled up my sleeve and placed it gently on my skin and eased my pain and after I was done I went to sleep) I heard agatha yelling on the intercom saying 9-14 please come to the interview room please thank you I am not going cause I NEVER get picked 10 mins later Agnatha comes in my room while I am sleeping and starts yelling at me saying you need to get down there so I went downstairs and mrs.Agnatha said Abby I went in and there was Justin bieber yes the Justin bieber I was shocked that a famous guy is looking to adopt a girl like me he started asking me question like

What is your name

I said Abby

How old at you

14 years old

What s your Hobby's

I like skateboarding,singing,dancing

So what is your dream job

Well I want to be a dancer or a singer but then just in case it don't work out I have a back up which it to become

marine biologist cause i love sea animal and learning new things

Ok thank you Abby Justin said

Your welcome and I get up

Justin bieber pov.

After ever girl I found this one her name is Abby I told mrs Agnatha she said yes but what about the other how about Suzy or Carson they are both lovely little girls mr.bieber

I want Abby and If you don't I will report you fine you and have her so she calls Abby in the intercom Abby please come to the office thank you .

I am happy I finally get to be a parent

I am so happy

Abby pov.

I am laying in bed 10 mins later my name get called on the intercom Abby please come to the office thank you so I get up and run down the stairs I get down there I see Justin signing a lot of papers I just started questioning myself am I get adopted by Justin bieber then mrs Agnatha sees me and said Abby go pack up your going to a home I was happy I just smiled and ran all the way up the stairs I got my stuff and I ran back down stairs to see Justin my new dad I will have a new family yay I said bye to mrs.agnatha and she said I am going to miss you kid I hugged her bye and me and my new dad walked out together.


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