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As I was walking into school I stop by the locker and put my combo in I grab my book and look around my surrounding obviously noticing the classic cliques
The stoners
The preps/jocks
The emo
The nerds
The band geeks

I slammed my locker and headed to
1st period music

I sit In the very back the bell rings different kinds of kids rush into the classroom before the teacher could give them a tardy. The teacher goes over flats,sharps and what each music note is class is over Sarah sees me and stops me
"Hey Abby."she says all happy

"Hey Sarah." I say while gathering my books

"How was the weekend." She say walking with me toward the door

"Great,me and dad went to church."

We head to social studies I seat in the back  on my phone ignoring the teacher

"Agh Ms.bieber."
I hear a kid whisper her last name is bieber

I look up "Hi." I say while sliding my phone in my book

Abby what did you think about the monkeys escaping England In 1922

"Interesting subject i just can't believe they did that." I say while looking at him

"We was not talking about monkeys that has never happened we was talking about the Boston tea party. " 


"I need you to gather your stuff and go to the office,I am calling up there now"he says while walking toward the phone

"Are you serious just for having my phone out can't you just I don't know give me a warning?." Is say while standing up

"Office now."

I walk to the office I'm here to see the principal I say

Go ahead back there

"Hi are you Abby bieber." The women behind the desk said

Yeah I said while seating down

"So you was on your phone is class and was not paying attention and you got rude with the teacher."  She says looking at her paper

"Yes, only because he didn't give me a warning he just assume and sent me straight to you." I reply

"Okay well you are right but since you got smart with a teacher I'm just going to send you home we don't tolerate disrespect towards our  teachers, so I'm going to call your father."


"You may get your things if you like." She says writing me a pass and picking the phone up

I head down the hallway and walk into class the teacher asks why I'm here

"Im leaving she is sending me home,so I would like to grab my stuff."

Walking to the back I hear a blonde hair girl ask if i was Justin bieber adopted daughter and that we shouldn't be bff

I ignore her and grab my stuff and slam the door.

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