Chapter 30

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My alarm goes off I crawl out of bed and pull my blanket wrapping it around me I head down stairs.

I pull me a bowl out of the cabinet and grab some milk. While pouring my cereal I hear dad talking to someone. I seat down and start eating. I hear foot steps I look up and seeing dad coming he looks at me  says  what did you do to your hair?

I casually reply "I don't know decided to try something new."

"Cool,umm I just got off the phone with the adoption agency,the lady seems really pissed that a 14 year old was at a club and didn't leave till almost 1 in the morning, so I'm in trouble and we have a meeting so you will be late,so hurry up and eat he says while turning his back and walking away."

I groan good morning to you to dad I put my bowl in the sink and grab my blanket and run up the stairs.

I grab my floral dress and lay it on my bed and head to the bathroom and clean and stuff then I head to my room and slip on my dress  then I pull my hair up in a messy bun and do my make-up and then I put my jewelry on and grab my sunglasses and pull my wedge booties on  grab my phone and meet dad downstairs I ignore him all the way there.

We pull up all the bad memories came rushing back to me. I get out and look around and we walk in and is  greeted by  Agatha 

"Ahh Mr.bieber and Abby follow me please." She says while walking. Towards the back

We enter the room I sit in the seat beside dad and Agatha seats across from us

"Okay Mr.bieber,I hope you know what this meeting circumstances our?." She says while looking at her thick folder that had my name on it.

"Yes." He says flatly

"Okay,we just want to talk to Abby to ask her question,so Abby please follow me to the hallway to ask you question." She says while grabbing her file and pen and opening the door

I look at dad and he nods I get up and head for the hallway. The door closes

" okay Abby how is Justin treating you?." She says while looking up from her evaluation paper.

"Dad is treating me great,we go to the studio together,we do everything."I say smiling

While writing this down "Good,okay  well how about the night club accident."

"Well dad forgot about me plain and simple he had to take a friend home and so yeah I called my nana and she came and picked me up." I say while looking at her.

"Ok,any physical or sexual abuse?." She says while looking up

"No, I couldn't imagine that is gross and no dad cares for he would never  lay a finger on me." I say

Okay well your done and she leads me back.

Okay Justin Abby you can leave now and here I will be making a surprise visit to drop by and check the house out.

We get in the car

Couple minutes later we pull up at he school getting out I lean by the window

Hey,Abby we have to talk so we are gonna have dinner okay,love you have a good day please behave and be nice." He says

"Dad I'm always nice." I say while walking into the main entrance.

Welcome to hell i mean school:)

A justin bieber adoption storyWhere stories live. Discover now