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Leaving the award show we headed home to change for the after party dad said I could go because it's not a school night.

I run up the stairs and close my door and change into a
Muscle shirt  that says wild and ombré short And black sandals and change belly button rings to a blue glitter ring and touch up on my

I knock on dad to see if he is done. He walks out and is wearing a Metallica shirt and skinny jeans with cheetah print vans.
"Ready to head out" dad says. Shutting the door. 
"Yeah,let me grab my bag and we can go" I reply while backing away he yells meet you out the door.

I grab my leather bag and run down the stairs and see dad texting.
"Who are you texting?" I say while zipping my purse.
"An old flame abbs" he says locking his phone and opening the door.
"Okay dad"I say walking out
And get inside the limo.

We get to this club and we get out and flashing lights go off I put my head down and hold dads hand and we walked inside and the smell of vodka hits I looked around I see
Demi,Miley and great Selena.
She glances up and stares at me and looks at my dad.

She walks her happy butt up and bumps into dad and starts talking to him and I cough
"Oh,Selena this is my daughter Abby" dad says looking at me me and smiling.
"Hi Selena." I say with a smirk
Her and dad start talking.
I tap on dads shoulder
"Dad can we please go say hi to Demi and Miley since THEY are my idols." I say
"Yeah sure abbs."he says
"Bye Selena we should catch up sometimes." Dad says (great)
"Okay justin just call me whenever."
"Goodbye Selena." I say while locking my phone.
"Bye Abby." She says with a fake smile while walking away.

I glare at dad and we start walking towards Miley.
"Hi Miley." Dad said
"Hey justin and you must me Abby you have such an amazing voice." Miley said with a smile
"Thank-you so much Miley." I say with a smile
We start talking and dads phone goes off he quickly replays and looks at me and Miley talking and laughing
"Hey abbs can I go talk to someone real fast." He says
"Yeah dad."I say with a smile
He walks off.

I sigh and Miley looks at me worried
"It's just that dad and Selena are most likely hooking up."
Why would you think that I look across the room and they are griding and drunk.
"I don't think you should see that wanna have some fun follow me."
I agree and we walk off to the bar in the corner nowhere near dad. She order a Smirnoff green apple and  let me split it with her. I drunk alittle but I wasn't drunk.
I looked at Miley and she was having vodka after vodka so I called her limo to bring her home and one of her bodyguards. I gave Miley a hug bye

After she left I looked at the time and it was 4:00 in the morning I called dad and he wouldn't pick up I kept calling.
I called nana and she answered
"Hello Abby is 4:00 in the morning are you hurt." She said worriedly
"No I don't know where dad is last I saw him is he was drunk and he was with Selena grinding on the dance floor and I was with Miley and I didn't know what time it was until she left" I said with a deep huff
"Okay sweetie I'm coming right now to get you."
"Thanks nana love you." I say while hanging up." I grab my bag mad and walk out toward the door.
She text and says here I walk out and run to the car and stick a piece a gum in mouth. I open the door and close it and buckle.
"I am so mad at your father!"nana says with a huff
"Me too." I say while crossing my arms
"Where am I dropping you off mine are your house?" She says
"Can you drop me off at my house so I can be there when dad gets home."
I say to nana
"Yeah hunny thats what I was thinking you should do."
We arrive in front of my house I tell nana bye and that I love her
"Bye sweetie get some sleep."

I close the car door and walk up towards the door as unlock it with my key and I wave toward nana and she left when I walked in the house. I locked the door went to eat in the kitchen I sat down and turned on the tv and watched that for a few than I turned it off and slept. I woke up at 8:00 and went downstairs and cooked breakfast. I ate and went upstairs to my room and walked past dads door and heard giggling the hell I thought I opened it up to see
Dad and Selena on top of each other kissing. "The hell." I screamed and they looked up.

A justin bieber adoption storyWhere stories live. Discover now