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I heard a noise  it was a muffle I looked up and there I saw the most prettiest brown eyes I have ever seen  ABBY!! I yelled while getting up I ran to the door and said Abby up I run to her beside princess I love you so much baby girl I love you too daddy im so sorry baby why you sorry cause I couldn't wake up I tried and tried but my eyes would not open a-- I was caught off by a nurse running in she walked in and asked me are you feeling okay, sick  no im fine   okay well I will have doctor come in and check you out like your heart rate,temp, blood pressure and stuff  her eyes looked up from the clipboard  she smiled and walked out

                                                            ABBY POV

I was walking around this beautiful place and there sat a gate and I saw a man walking towards me I got scared and think im going to die and he spoke Abby you are NOT going to die I am sending you back to your father he loves you to much and your nana  thank-you I run up to the man and I relised this is god and he spoke and Abby never do this again okay while he held my arms yes I will not do it again  and he spoke its time and all I remember is him saying good-bye Abby and i woke up in a white room and glance and there was my daddy

                                                              JUSTIN POV

the nurse walked and I looked at Abby and a tear slipped down my cheeck abby looked at me said daddy quit crying im right here im fine abby said well baby girl im just happy your here its been 2 months I responded I looked at her eyes wondered towards the purple card she looked at me who's the card from well you have a little fan and I walk  towards the card and picked it up and brought it towards her bed and gave it to her and I sat down on the couch so could text mom and let her know

                                                     phone convo

 Justin: mom!!!!!!.                                                                                                                 

mom: what Justin its 12;56 am what do you want

Justin: well...Abby woke up and hey its 12:56 am that was the time I was born

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