meet the family

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angel paced the floor of the castle, its walls worn down with age. She could see the tapastries as they dot the walls and how the room itself seemed to spring out. She waited for Logan to bring his parents to her so that she could meet them. Once Logan brought a couple over to her, she could see that the man had dark brown hair and emerald eyes and he looked as if he were almost as tall as her late mother who was only about 5ft.11", and he had a t-shirt that was just green, solid green making his eyes pop. and he had some jeans on, his hair making a crazy loop. Angel guessed that the woman with him seemed to be Logans mom, she had light brown hair, hazel blue eyes and she was wearing her hair in a hairbow, so Angel couldnt see how her hair was, but from where Angel stood, it was curly. She wore glasses that seemed to be red at the rim and the intricate designs on the sides. she wore a t-shirt that was bright blue and jeans. ok what was it with these people and wearing jeans and t-shirts that made their eyes pop out?
"Angel, this is my mother and my brother Adam"
"nice to meet you" said Adam.
"we are very honored to have you," said Meghan.
"Thank you" said Angel. Then Adam said to Logan:
"Dad is in the battle room" as if that explained where their father was. Well, was i sulposed to meet this father of theirs or not? i guess there is one way to find out.
"come on, let me lead you to our father. He will be pleased to see you" Adam. Angel nodded. 'lets get this show on the road.'

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