Chapter 11

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Fauna felt as though she might pass out on that bus. It had been a gruelling few days, the sea didn't agree with her in the slightest and she'd barely slept and then to top it all off. On top of that, when she'd finally made it back onto dry land at 4 in the morning, she had to ensure the samples she was escorting were present, in good condition, and made their way to the correct place.

This accounted for ten hours of work in all, allowing her to finally leave for home at 2 in the afternoon. She had considered simply finding a back room in the university to pass out in, but putting off her reunion with her best friend just a second longer was, at that point, unthinkable.

Instead she'd dragged herself out to the bus stop and waited, shivering slightly in the chilly march wind, but too tired to open her suitcase and pull out any warmer clothes. She instead pulled out her phone, now once again receiving mobile internet and sent Kronii a message.

Finally finished up. Waiting at the bus stop. See you in 30 :)

Okay! I'll see you then!

The response was immediate, still a refreshing change from the entire void of conversation they'd experienced for the better part of 6 months. Fauna felt a little warmer already.

The bus trip was, well, interesting was the wrong word, it was a journey Fauna had taken more days than not since she'd bought the house with Kronii and Sana. Still at the very least spotting the slight differences 6 months had made was something to do on the journey.

Her stop approached and Fauna, standing up to get off, locked eyes with Kronii, sitting at the bus stop, wrapped up in a sweater, scarf and long overcoat. Fauna's heart seemed to do flips in her chest as the doors opened and she stepped off the bus coming face to face with a now standing Ouro Kronii.

"Welcome home!" The girl smiled, opening her arms wide.

Fauna was like a runner off the starting block, launching herself into Kronii's arms with all the strength she could muster. Squeezing her best friend tight to her chest, a gesture Kronii returned without hesitation, the two girls embracing long after the bus had disappeared out of sight.

"Uh, Fauna...."

Fauna shushed her.

"I'm trying to figure out what the first words I should say to you are." She whispered.

Kronii chuckled. "Okay."

Eventually Fauna pulled away, wiping her eyes, which had started to water in the embrace. "It's good to be home."

Kronii smiled. "Let me get your bags."

Fauna nodded, taking off the backpack and the messenger bag she was wearing and handing them over to kronii who threw them over one shoulder and grabbed fauna's suitcase with her other hand. "Wait, aren't you freezing?"

"It's a bit chilly yeah but," Fauna began, being quickly interrupted by Kronii one handedly pulling her scarf off and wrapping it around fauna's neck.

"But nothing." Kronii smiled, once again grabbing the suitcase by the handle and turning to start dragging it towards the house.

Even in the cold, Fauna felt her cheeks flush a little as Kronii set off, walking as ever with speed and purpose. She pulled the scarf up her face, letting it hide her cheeks as she hurried a little to catch up.

It wasn't a particularly long walk by any stretch, the two girls arriving at their front door a couple minutes after leaving the bus stop. Neither moved for a moment as they arrived.

"Do you remember the first time we stood here after we bought this place?" Kronii asked, not turning to look at Fauna.

"I do." Fauna said quietly, standing next to Kronii.

Kronii's hand touched hers, her fingers gently testing the water. Fauna's own welcomed them, interlocking and squeezing together.

"Kronii." Fauna said gently, getting the other girl's attention.


"We'll make it work this time."

"Yeah." Kronii smiled. "Sorry let's get in, you must be freezing."

"A little bit." Fauna laughed, slipping in as Kronii pulled the door open and gestured for her to enter.

The house was almost exactly as Fauna remembered it, which maybe shouldn't have surprised Fauna but did.

The fingerprints of the new housemate were obvious, new shoes in the entryway, new coats on the rack and most dramatically, the living room bookshelf had been transformed entirely.

"What happened to Sana's collection of occult grimoires?" Fauna asked casually.

"Oh. Them." Kronii sighed. "I put them away. The new housemate is, a little bit too impressionable to be trusted with that nonsense."

Fauna laughed. "I mean, if I remember rightly, you were the one who bought her that tarot deck in the first place."

Kronii's cheeks flushed and her brow furrowed. "Would you mind awfully no longer remembering that?"

"Consider it forgotten." Fauna chuckled. "Are these new books Mumei's?"

"Yeah. Bit of a mixed bunch isn't it?" Kronii said, her mood unsubtly immediately brightening at the mention of Mumei. "She'll read anything."

"I'll have to ask her for recommendations." Fauna said casually. "When will she be getting home by the way?"

"She'll be a couple hours yet." Kronii shrugged. "Oh, by the way, do you want to have dinner with us tonight?"

"I'd love to." Fauna smiled. "I might have a nap first though."

"Oh yeah, no worries." Kronii smiled. "I'll wake you up when Mumei gets home?"

"Sounds good."

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