chapter one

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                        I read "the new rules of the town" poster by my last period it read;

         Rule one: Citizens of Watr must only have three

         meals in one whole day.  They must have dinner

         In between four o'clock to six o'clock in the evening"

I got bored of these ridiculous rules and skipped to number ten it said;


          "Rule ten: We pick princesses a very odd way.

         We will have a female citizen come up on our

         town stage. We will hand her a slice of royal

         Wight bread. She needs to take a bite. After

         She eats it she needs to climb on our Watr

         Stone next to the stage and stand on top of

          it. She will say 'I like the bread' if she does

          Or she will say ' I dislike the bread' if she

           does not. If you lie or not say those exact

           words her punishment will be"

            Someone touched my back. I spun around. It's just Katy. "Oh, you scared me" I said to her. Katy is a small girl. She has naturally blonde curly hair. She is short and skinny.

           I am tall for my age and I have wavy long hair. I am not that small but not that big either.

          "C'mon, Rose" Katy whined "it's time to gooo"

          "Okay, okay" I answered "let's go"

            We walked out carrying heavy backpacks with humongous science books in them. We walked together silently until Katy said "Have you SEEN the new update on minecraft! They have a new portal to a place where you can walk on the clouds and the trees are like-"

        "I don't have a phone" I said annoyed "Remember?"

         "Oh yeah" she chuckled "Your mum still hasn't got one of those"

         "Yeah, but I might get a flip phone when I'm sixteen" I answered. We laughed. We knew that was about one thousand years ago in the year two thousand.

           We were at my house so we said goodbye and I went in. "Rosy, Rosy, Rosy" chanted my two year old sister.

           "Becky, Becky, Becky" I chanted her name back. I picked her up and she left. Tiffany, our babysitter was sitting on the coach.  "You can go now, Tiff" I said to her.

              "Nope" she answered "I haven't got paid, yet, lady" I ignored her rudeness and jammed my hand in my purse and pulled out two crumpled up ten dollar bills.

            Tiffany left. "Playtime?" Asked Becky

            "Okay"  I answered "playtime!"

           "Mere" she said and led me into her room. We played dolls but Becky would not let me make the baby cry. We heard a car pull in the driveway. "Mummy!" She yelled "Luke and Max!" She ran to the door. My mum and my five year old twin brothers greeted us.

            After our chores I went in my bedroom and was thinking about those dumb rules when I heard a loud bang a the door.



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