chapter 3

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                     "What the h*** did you do to my sister!!!" I screamed.

                      "How are you....?" The driver said turning around "did you eat the Apple?

                       "No" I replied "I see now you were trying to kill me not my sister!"

                       "Calm down"

                         "Calm down? I-"

                         "She's not dead she just passed out" he said as he stopped the car "but, if you eat the Apple I can wake up your sister"

          "What?!" I yelled "no!"

            "Then maybe your sister will NEVER wake up" that scared me.

      "Fine, b******" I wispered. He picked up Becky and put her in the front seat. About ten minutes her put her back.

                        "Rosy!" Becky called to me. I pretended to yawn and said "I have sleep"  he threw the Apple in the teunk. I took a bite and as I passed out, I gave him the bird. In the corner of my eye, was Becky putting up her finger too?

*                          *                          *                            *                            *       

             I wock up on my left side on a hard wood floor. I was facing something dark violet. A blanket? I got to my feet. No, it was a long, heavy, curtain. I looked to my right and saw the a**hole handing Becky to my mum. I guess he only wants me. I looked at my mum. She looked really happy. She had a real big grin on her face. "Mum!" I yelled she looked over but a huge man blocked my way.

                       "Your not seeing your mother right now" he said. Then he shoved me through the curtains . I fell onto my knees. I looked forward. About a million people looking at me. I looked to my left and saw a big rock. OH YES. OH YES!. I am going to be a prinsees!



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