Golden Boy :)

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a//n: this is based off that scene in gilmore girls where dave talks to Mrs Kim sooo <3

category: fluff/ kinda angst??

The Spring siblings, Tori and Charlie were known for having quite strict parents, they had very early curfews. weren't aloud to date until they graduated , they weren't aloud to have sleepovers till they were 14, only were aloud social media at 14 too, groundings meant phones got taken away, ect, but besides their parents being so strict and the occasional fight cus of it, they're parents did love them, it was the type of strict parenting where they were just overprotective.

They were still allowed to go out and have regular teenage experiences so it wasn't like they were cooped up in a house their whole entire lives

Nick and Charlie had been friends for a while now after they were sat next to eachother in form, and if anyone looked into their friendship it was clear the two had feeling for eachother.

Nick was you classic golden boy, straight A student, star rugby player and captain of the rugby team. worked at the local animal shelter super respectful and sweet, refused to call his friends parents anything but ma'am or sir even if they told him he didn't have too. He didn't drink or smoke ect.

He would honestly be the perfect candidate of a boyfriend in any parents eyes.

Eventually one day Nick worked up the courage to ask Charlie out "hey char.." he asked as the two were sitting in from "hm?" Charlie took his headphones off "what's up?" he smiled softly "um well i was wondering if you maybe wanted to go to the movies with me, like as a date?" he asked nervously.

Charlie blinked for a second "a-as a date?"
Nick nodded "yea.." Charlie blushed and smiled a little "Nick, i'd love to go on a date with you, but you know i'm not allowed to date till i graduate.."

"oh.. yea right i forgot.. i'm sorry i should'nt have asked-" he mumbled out "that wasn't a no nick, yes i will go out with you but we're gonna kinda have to be sneaky about it okay"

Nicks face lit up a little "alright i can do that"
"good, so if my parents ask, it isn't a date, we're just going to the movies as friends" Nick nodded "got it" he smiled sweetly

That afternoon Charlie went to his parents "mum, dad, is it okay if i go to a movie with a friend on Saturday?"

"Who are you going with? Tao?" his mum Jane asked looking up from her book. "Um, no actually, i'm going to the movies with Nick"

His father raised an eyebrow slightly "is it a date because you know yo-"
"no dad it's not a date, we're just friends" Charlie said "alright what time should we drop you off at the cinema?" he asked
"six thirty" Charlie said "alright i'll take you, but you need to make sure all you homework for the weekend is done along with your regular chores as always"

Charlie smiled "thanks dad, and i'll make sure it's all done" he said sweetly and went back to his room and let Nick know that his parents said yes to letting him go to the movies

Saturday came around and Charlie couldn't be more excited, he left that night with his dad "alright your mum will pick you up later, text her when you're ready to go home alright"

Charlie nodded "okay thanks dad" he smiled about to get out of the car "wait, are you're sure this isn't a date" he asked again "yes dad, i'm 1000% sure this isn't a date, besides how could it be? Nick is straight, bye dad" he said and got out of the car "alright have fun mijho"

Charlie went inside to meet Nick inside like they'd planned. Charlie saw Nick at the Ticket station getting the tickets, he went up behind him "boo!" Nick jumped a little "jesus Char don't creep up on me like that" he laughed

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