Car Crash

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a//n: god I love angst, also im sorry if this is shit I have bad writers block and haven't posted in months , also I might write a different version of this sooner or later

tw: car crash

The day was normal, nothing out of the ordinary. Charlie lay on his bed reading a book that Issac has recently recommend to him which he was definitely enjoying. His phone pinged. A message from Nick displayed 'wanna go on a late night drive :)' Charlie smiled.

Going on late night drives wasn't uncommon for the two ever since Nick got his drivers licence and they became more frequent when Nick got his car 'Yea of course :)' and with that, Nick was at Charlies house in the next ten minutes. Charles parents were out so he let Tori know where he was going before Nick picked him up.

They drove around for a while, chatting and listening to music like usual when they decided to stop at the 24 hour dinner and get something to eat "Ohh can I drive pleassseee" Charlie asked giving Nick his best puppy dog eyes,

Nick chuckled a little as they walked back to his car "I thought you didn't like driving" he teased "Yea but I wanna get some practice in before my driving test next week" Charlie playfully pouted "okay fair enough, do you have your permit with you" he asked, handing Charlie the keys."Yup! now get in!" Charlie giggled and they both got into the car.

They drove around for a little while longer. It all happened so fast. A drunk driver came speeding down in the wrong lane, Charlie tried swerving out of the way, not seeing the other car in his blind spot. They collided head on with the drunk driver which sent them flying into the other car. Instantly knock out both Nick and Charlie.

Charlie slowly woke up after about five minutes thanks to hearing the amblance. His head was pounding and he felt sick. He looked over to his side seeing Nick, who had taken the majority of the crashes impact. There was so so much blood, Nick was barley breathing and he had a huge gash on his forehead that was pouring out blood. "No no no" Charlie mumbled and began screaming for help until his throat hurt

The paramedics came to the car, immediately getting to work to get the two out of the car "Please help my boyfriend, I-i don't think he's breathing" Charlie begged, tears streaming down his face, from both pain and fear.

All he could think was, what if Nick was dead, the boy he loved most in this world, his first love, the person who keeps him going, one of his reasons to live, could be dead and it would be his all his fault

"I tried swerving but the other car came out of no where I didn't know what to do, I-" He cried "Hon its gonna be okay, were gonna help your boyfriend and i'm here to help you okay, can you tell me your names?" The paramedic asked sweetly

"Charlie.. and my boyfriends name is Nick" he stuttered out shakily "Okay, how old are you guys" She was mainly asking questions to distract Charlie to calm him down and mainly not to look over at Nick "Im 17 and he- he's 18"

"Alright, we're gonna get you guys to the hospital, you're gonna be okay" she said and they got both Nick and Charlie onto the gurneys, putting on neck braces just in case. Charlie looked to his side and saw Nick and saw it was way worse than he thought.

They were rushed to hospital, Charlie didn't care about himself, he just wanted to know if Nick would be okay. "Please let me see him" Charlie begged, nearly sobbing at this point

"We need to make sure you're okay first" One of the doctors said, trying to calm Charlie down "i'm fine just please let me see him!"

"We have doctors helping him right now but you've got to let us help you, we will let you see him as soon as you can okay"

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