injury (pt 1)

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a//n god I love Nick angst, also I decided to split this up cus otherwise it would be way too long for me to write. 

Every year, there was a rugby tournament with a bunch of schools from all around Kent. As every year Truham participated. They had won last year and Nick was determined to have them win again.

The whole team had been training their asses off for this tournament, especially since scouts from a bunch of different unis came to watch the games. So for someone like Nick who was working towards getting a rugby scholarship, this tournament was extremely important. If you were chosen from the tournament, players would then go to Leeds University for a week for try outs, and that was Nicks main goal.

As soon as he was told about it he started to train 24/7 and worked his ass off. On top of that, Nick needed to keep his grades up, luckily Charlie was tutoring him. Needless to say that Nick was pretty stressed out. He was always busy and never had anytime to take a break and it was a lot of work. It really didn't help with all the pressure his dad was putting on him to do well. But he knew that if he kept working at it, it would all be worth it.

The team played until the semi finals of the tournament. Putting aside the fact that Nick was stressed out and exhausted, he was playing at his full potential and was making sure he was fully focused. About twenty minutes into the second half of the game Nick had the ball and was running to the other end of the field when he stepped out off the way of another player who was about to tackle him.

Nick ended up stepping in a really weird way, he first heard a pop before he felt a surge of pain feeling like his knee imploded as it gave out. The entire game stopped, Sai and Christian running over to Nick considering it was clearly a nasty fall "You okay mate?" Christian asked worriedly. Nick was on the ground, clutching his knee. He shook his head.

"My knee, it just gave out" Nick was barely able to speak, clearly in a lot of pain. They called over Coach Sighn along with another one of the coaches of the opposing team.

The other coach examined Nicks knee while the entire field was dead silent. Every time they tried moving Nicks knee it felt like he was being stabbed. Once they fully examined Nicks knee the other coach gave Coach Sighn an extremely concerned look.

"Okay we're gonna help you get to the bench alight" Coach Sighn said. Nick sighed softly and nodded. Sai and Christian helped nick up and got him to the bench, the crowd clapping for Nick but he was honestly in too much pain to pay any attention to it.

Charlie immediately rushing over "hey, Otis told me what happened, are you okay?" He asked worriedly. Nick shook his head. Besides the excruciating pain he was in, the only other thing Nick could think about was how bad the injury was, If it was just a sprain or did he dislocate his knee.

They called Nicks mum who arrived at Snt Johns in a shocking ten minutes considering Nick lived thirty minutes away "Jesus mum how fast were you driving" Nick joked, trying to take his mind off it "Don't worry about that lets just get you to hospital to get checked out okay" she said sweetly

They got Nick into his mums car, he sat at the back both his leg up on the rest of the back seat. Charlie of course came with and they got to A&E about fifteen minutes later. Charlie got a wheelchair and took Nick to the waiting room where of course they waited for almost an hour.

The pain was just getting worse, it was now no longer a stabbing pain but a throbbing pain but it was still excutiating and Nick was trying not to cry out in pain. He was so angry at himself for letting himself get hurt. He'd never gotten injured badly in a game before and now he got injured at one of the most important matches of the season.

They finally got Nick a room. Nick tried getting himself onto the bed (nit letting Charlie or his mum help him) even though every single movement just made the pain worse. "The doctor will be here soon okay" the nurse said sweetly, and by soon she meant another thirty minutes.

The more they waited the more impatient and anxious Nick became. "You okay?" Charlie asked sweetly when he noticed Nick anxiously biting his nails. A habit he'd had since he was a kid. "Yea im fine" he mumbled staring off at the wall "Nick, I know you better than that"

Nick sighed softly "Its just.. what if this is really bad and I wont be able to play again.." He mumbled "Nick im sure everything's gonna be okay, im sure you might just need to take it easy for a while and soon you'll be back to playing again" Even though Charlie knew the chances that Nick could be seriously injured he didn't want him to freak out more than he already was.

Finally the doctor (Dr Collins) did arrive. She kindly introduced herself "So can you tell me exactly what happened?" She asked as she examined Nicks knee "I was running to the other end of the field and I stepped out of the way of another player trying to tackle me. I heard a pop and my knee gave out.."

Dr Collins stopped and frown "We'll need to get you an MRI okay, I'll go book it for you but in the mean time, on a scale of one to ten how bad is your pain?" She asked "A nine, it's seriously the worst pain I've ever felt.." Nick frown 

"I'll have the nurses come by and give you some pain medication, and ill be back when the MRI results are ready, Ms Nelson may I have a quick word with you" She soon left to book Nicks MRI and he could tell by how her demeanour changed as soon as Nick said that he heard a pop, he knew It was something bad "Im sure its gonna be okay sweetheart" his mum said sweetly, gently rubbing his back before she left to go talk to Dr Collins

Later on they took Nick in for his MRI, the thirty minutes he spent in the machine felt like years, and the twenty minutes that he waited for his results were the longest of his life. He almost felt sick to his stomach, completely filled with dread and anxiety. Nicks heart practically jumped out of his chest whenever he saw Dr Collins walking by to check on her other patients. He tried to relax but it was seemingly impossible.

The second she walked back into Nicks room his heart was pounding, and the look on Dr Collins face was not helping at all; he squeezed Charlies hand slightly. "Nick im so sorry to tell you this but, you've torn your ACL and you'll need surgery" she said softly, after that Nick practically stopped listening. He'd couldn't count how many times he heard stories of athletes tearing their ACL's and never being able to play again. He was snapped out of his thoughts feeling Dr Collins put on his knee brace.

"I've already got you set up with one of our top orthopaedic surgeons, your appointment will be on Monday then she'll schedule your surgery. For now you need to wear a knee brace and stay on bedrest, im so sorry, I know this isn't what you wanted to hear.." 

Nick was speechless, it felt like his heart had just been ripped out of his chest, he had no fucking idea how to process any of this. He knew that if the surgery didn't go well he could kiss his dreams of ever playing pro rugby goodbye. Even if it did go well, he'd most likely never be able to play as well as he did. 

Dr Collins and Ms Nelson left to go do the paperwork to have Nick discharged, leaving Nick with Charlie "Nick i'm so sorry.." Charlie said softly "are you okay?" he frown. Nick stayed silent for a moment "I.. I don't know.." Nick knew he wasn't okay, he just didn't know how to process how he was feeling, so instead he just bottled it all up. It was too overwhelming for him to deal with, so he pushed it all aside 

a//n Goddanm I've been trying too write this fic forever and now I finally did, idk when part two will be up but yea I think this is gonna be split into three parts :) 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2023 ⏰

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