Zombieland - Chapter 8

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I wasn't big on cars. I didn't even know what the name of this one was, but it had beds and a sink and a toilet. A chess table too. But no one moved to go and play, we all just sat there in silence.

It didn't matter if she'd been a complete lunatic and hated me, or at least strongly disliked, almost everyone here. She was gone. Dead. A horrifying death I would never have imagined would befall any of us...but it did. And to save Hugo.

It may seem like a selfish way of means in some sort, but I kind of wished she was still here, so I could thank her for saving Hugo's life by taking her own. She's one of the few people here who would do that.

"How long?" Justin finally broke the silence bravely, asking Rick.

"I don't know," he murmured. That was the socialization between us all for the next 20 minutes, besides Kyle's gurgling.

Then he collapsed.

"Kyle!" Mia squeeled, snatching at his shirt to try keep him upright in his seat.

"Mia, what happened?" Janette unbuckled herself and made her way to the back where he was lying on the floor.

"I don't know, I don't know! Help him!"

 She rolled him onto his side. "He's having a seizure! Someone help me get him onto the table."

"Now is a real bad time," Justin exclaimed, unbuckling himself. He heaved Kyle onto the table and Janette rolled him onto his side againt to prevent him choking on his tongue.

"What the hell are we supposed to do?"

"I'm not a doctor! Let's just monitor him while..." Kyle's body began to stop shaking, and finally altogether, as his eyes closed shut. "Oh my god," Janette began to panic.

"Is he dead!?" Justin shrieked.

"He's fallen into a coma," she responded darkly. Mia began to cry.

But I'm sad to say that's not what the rest of us did. We weren't little girls, we were grown adults. We were grown adults, and we were cold. Numb.

I'm sad to say I couldn't help but feel a trickle of relief at the thought of Kyle's end. Just another burden, slowing us down, threatening our safety. We could all suffer a little less from the wretching paranoia that had our heads turn at every crunch of a leaf or snap of a twig, each time the wind fell a little too still.

It's what went through the minds of every one of us there. 


What seemed like hours later, Justin called Janette over. His fingers had begun to twitch.

"I think he's waking up." Janette arose from the weight of her fatigue, forcing herself from her light doze and shifted uncomfortably to the back again. She yawned, and frowned.

"That's extremely unusual, how could he have come out of it so quickly..." the fingers on Kyle's other hand began to twitch, and Justin leant in over his mouth and nose to try and feel a breath.

Janette's hand moved to Kyle's right twitching one. "...He doesn't-"

Kyle sat upright and snatched Justin's ear in his hand, growling and snapping at his face, trying to draw him closer as Justin screamed. Janette stumbled backwards in alarm, and looked around for a weapon. Now he had everyone's attention. Hugo jumped to his feet, just as Janette reached for the knife on her table when Hugo pulled out his own, and yelled furiously, plunging it into the corpse's skull.

Kyle let out one last gurgle, and then collapsed back onto the table, his bloodshot eyes glaring furiously into Justin's, thick dark blood oozing from the wound and spilling across the table and onto the floor. Hugo pulled out his knife, and dove it down deeper, again.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2013 ⏰

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