Chapter II - Ceraphin

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Finally, after waiting so many years, I've managed to find her again.

She's as beautiful as I remember, in both looks, and in smarts. Albeit feisty, and somewhat stubborn, she's still as cute as ever! I can't wait to have all sorts of fun with her! Entering NorthWind Palace through the back entrance last night was...fairly displeasing though, but I did try my best to make this place appeal to her, just as it had many—many—years preceding this. I stare, oh so helplessly at my ceiling...

I wonder what we'll do today?

It's only about 5:00AM...I have no idea what time it is back on Earth. Well...either way, I suppose that is for the better. I went through—surprisingly small—lengths to get her here, and away from those shitty "parents" of hers...after all, keeping your wife safe when you're a literal god amongst unaware mortals is truly a grueling task...okay, maybe I am exaggerating a little bit on that fact. (I am a god, for don't be surprised later when I do some fancy magickal stuff, or when you find out some "interesting" information about this place, and/or myself, mkay? Mkay.)

I sat up, stretching as I yawned. I hadn't slept a whole lot last night, given how clouded my mind was. Oh, my beloved sweetheart, Hyacinth...the ways you make a man think...well, only I'm allowed to think of you in that kind of way—after all, you are my wife. I tossed myself out of bed, not particularly caring if I hit the floor or not, and stumbled over to my bathroom door. I tried the nob a bit, hoping my sleepiness wouldn't make this simple task any harder for me, and eventually managed to open said bathroom door.

Now...shower, brush your teeth, dry off, and find some clothes. It isn't THAT hard, aren't completely fucking brain dead yet. I sighed, displeased with my innermost thoughts serving against me, and slipped into my typical morning routine; showering, washing my hair, brushing my teeth, drying off, applying deodorant—what kind of man doesn't wear deodorant?—and finally, my perfume, before stepping out of the bathroom, no longer needing to return for a good while. (I only wear the perfume because it smells nice...and because Hya likes it.)

Finally more awake, I managed to walk—yes, walk, rather than stumble—across my room, and over to my walk-in closet. I pushed the doors open as I yawned, now staring down the infinitely long hallway, containing the fat majority of my clothing, and accessories...and some other, far more private commodities, that we shall not yet speak of. I walked in, announcing politely, "Closet; the usual for home, please." And, as expected, it spun and whirred, soon having me stand in front of a thin, simple case, which held my favorite white t-shirt, and my favorite pair of black boxers—with the single white stripe down each side, mind you—which I smiled upon seeing. I opened the case, and took each clothing item out, putting them on cheerfully; this simple outfit was the most comfortable for me, as well as a signature look of mine...when at home, of course.

Satisfied with my select choice of clothing for the day, I again—politely, since this closet is somewhat sentient—asked for the closet to do its spinning, and whirring, and I soon found myself stepping out of the walk-in closet, and back into my room. Why thank you, my lovely, fashionable companion. Your daily work is much obliged. Still somewhat tired, I yawned again. Now...let's see.

I'm dressed, I look fairly decent, so what's missing? Hmmm...oh! I know. Traumatizing my lovely little onlookers with my cultural customs which are also known on Earth as kinks and fetishes! No...I wouldn't traumatize any of you like that, I'm just kidding... (Or am I? No, no...I'm just kidding. Seriously.)

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