Chapter V - Hyacinth

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                             no no. This can't be right. He's lying...he has to be! Please...please say that you're lying...

My eyes widened in shock at the words that he had just said. "I'm...what?" I said, my mind racing, trying to find an answer—something logical that I could refer to, so that what I'd just been told would make sense. I hated how even I could hear the fear in my voice. "You're immortal, Hyacinth...did you not hear me the first time?" He asked. "N-No, I—I heard you, but...I just..." I said, my words trailing off into silence.

How could be immortal? Of all things, immortal. Me? There's just no fucking way that I could be. But...maybe...maybe he did something to me.

Maybe he used whatever power or magick he has to make me immortal? I mean...that would kind of make sense. I hadn't yet realized it, but after about a minute, I could hear them. They were...yelling at each other? Why...?

"GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF OF HER!" Blue's voice rang out, loud and clear. I could feel him holding me closely—Protectively. "Oh, come on. It isn't like she's dead." Was that new thing's voice. Blue had told me to just call it, 'It.' But...was there something more to it?

"You were trying to strangle her! THAT ISN'T HOW YOU GET HER ATTENTION!" Blue practically screamed back at him. I covered my ears, wincing. I don't like screaming...or fighting. Please...stop, I wished silently. Please...

"Shit—Sweetheart, I—I'm sorry..." Blue said, now focusing on me. His voice had significantly softened, and he was being more gentle with me. I glanced over at It—or, at least, where It used to be. Blue looked in the same direction as I was looking, and spoke. "It's gone, now. I promise to never let it near you again...I promise." He told me.

"I'm scared.." I admitted, my voice faint, and shaky. In all honesty, I hate admitting certain things, and being open with people, but...with him? It felt...natural, almost. I felt...compelled to tell him, even. I already told him that I love him, and for someone I basically just met?

That's...kind of a lot.

Then again, just as it does now, It felt...natural to tell him that. It felt...right. "Hey, Hya?.." His voice startled me, and I looked up at him. "Are you alright?" He asked. "Yeah, I'm okay..." I replied quietly.

I now noticed that we were in the middle of his bed. I never really realized just how big this bed was to be honest. Then again, this whole place in itself is pretty huge, sooo...I don't really think that I should be that surprised by realizing this. Oh, well. I shrugged to myself, then yawned.'s still pretty late, isn't it? The room is still dark, and those pretty fireballs from earlier are gone now. I felt a kiss on my forehead, and looked up at Blue. "H-Hey.. what was that for?" I asked, a little flustered, but mainly confused. "To get your attention...that's what the kiss was for." He replied, purposefully pouting a little.

"That, and just because I love you." He added, looking away from me. "You're so silly.." I told him, sighing. "Silly...silly fluffy boy—" He shushed me at that—with his actual finger, too. "Hmph..." The somewhat pathetic sound came from him. "I'm...I'm really sorry about that, sweetheart." He eventually said.

"It's don't have to be sorry." I told him. He laid down, sighing, and I cuddled up to him. Sometimes, people just need to be comforted. I love you too, Fluffy...but I'm getting pretty tired. This bed is actually extremely comfortable, now that I think about it.

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