Chapter VI - Ceraphin

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You're really starting to get on my nerves, Fibi. Why can't you just leave us alone?

At this point, I had stopped listening to Fibi ranting about Hyacinth and I. So what if I had gone out of my way to find her? Sure, it may seem a little bit creepy, but hey. She wasn't living the best life back on Earth, and here? She'll be loved, and cared for, and protected, and SAFE.

I've been doing this for 720 FUCKING YEARS. I know what I'm doing.

"Fibi, look." I said, sighing heavily. "This is her last life, and I'm going to make sure that she lives it safely, happily, and with me; Someone who genuinely loves her, and will care for her until the end of time." I told her, a sharp edge lining each word I said. As my words sank in, and she realized what I had just said, she slowly came to a stop—Her eyes widened. She stood there, processing what I had said, before looking up at me in disbelief. "What do you mean by that...?" She asked, her voice somewhat shaky.

"You couldn't possibly mean..." She said, trailing off. "Yes, Fibi, I can possibly." I told her, sarcastically mocking her. She stood up straight, still harboring that blatant look of disbelief on her face. She didn't say another word, and simply glanced over at my bed, looking past me—Her expression remained unchanged. Even as she spoke, her face didn't seem to change.

"She's in your bed right now, isn't she?"

 "And so what if she is?"


"What now, Fibi?"

"She's at least above 13, right? As in, she's older?" Fibi asked, seeming concerned.

"Of course she's older than 13! I'm not some...some disgusting pedophile, Fibi. I would never hurt her like that. You know this. That, and I don't see children like...that." I told her, disgusted, disappointed, and saddened that she'd think of me that way. I would never do anything to Hyacinth without her consent—or to anyone for that matter. I thought Fibi knew this...of all people, Fibi. My sister. She should know this by now... (As for some context, the laws surrounding consent are different here than on Earth.)

(Sure, some of you may be disgusted by this, and that's alright.
Just know that I see children as 12 and those younger than that. Any individual 13 and older is considered to be a teenager—a young adult at 18, like on Earth—and they're able to learn how consent works. So long as consent is present, all kinds of..."activities" are considered to be legal. However, age gaps such as...per say, 13 and 51 are illegal.

This is because, well...I think you can all tell why, just from the age gap example I used. Also, for a little bonus; Here on Aósoleria, all pedophiles receive a death sentence with no exceptions.
This is true within every sector here, and the same goes for people who are victims of that category of assault, harassment, etc.; Their abusers are given a death sentence.
I've studied Earth and built my world—this planet—based off of it, and I've made it a point to make this world as safe as possible. I've seen the kind of pain, trauma, and suffering that many people have gone through because of these kinds of experiences, and I don't want anyone here to go through that.

Oh! last thing before we continue on with my little argument regarding my sister.
I do exist outside of this story. Simply ask Hyacinth—the real Hyacinth, of course—about me, and I would love to talk to any of you who need to get something off of your chest, or for anyone who simply needs a friend. I know what it feels like to hurt in...more than a lot of ways, actually. And, trust me...I would much rather listen to you, than find out you've left this world behind.

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