Chapter VII - Hyacinth

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Hey! Leo, get back here!

As I gently grabbed Leo, picked him up, and set him back down on my lap, he yipped at me. I gasped audibly, surprised. "How dare you talk back to your mother!" I said jokingly, rolling him over. I rubbed his little belly, to which he yipped happily, making all sorts of silly noises. "Suffer thy wrath!" I exclaimed, now giggling happily.

I felt something on my cheek, and turned to look at Blue. "Huh?" He was smiling at me. Oh! I noticed his tail behind him, now visible again; It was wagging quite a lot. "Oh my" The words escaped my mouth, a small blip of my thoughts made audible for him to hear.

I felt my face flush from embarrassment, and I looked up at him. "Sorry—" I tried to say, but he cut me off with a kiss. I swear, it's like he's into this! Well...I know how he feels about me, but still! What's wrong with using your words for once?

"Don't apologize, Sweetheart~" He said, continuing, "There's nothing to be sorry for." ThatIThat is a very interesting tone of voice—I felt my face flush further, just...not from embarrassment this time. I went to say sorry for attempting to apologize, but I caught myself in time. Gods...why do I always do this? Maybe it's trauma-related or something. "Sweetheart~?" Does god exist...?

I felt Leo move off of my lap, followed by—what I assumed—were Blue's hands on my waist. He picked me up, then set me down on his lap—He wrapped his arms around me, restricting me—and my breathing—a little. "Why must you do this to me..." I asked, sighing. "Because I loooove~ you." His reply came, his voice sounding nearly harmonious. At this point, I just gave up, and yawned.

Might as well just let him do whatever, I thought to myself. I'm too tired to care, anyways.

Y'know what...I grabbed his tail, holding it still like I used to do with my old cat's tail, whenever she was irritated with me. It never hurt her, so hopefully it wouldn't hurt him. It stopped wagging, and fluffed up...puffed up? I don't know. At this point, I'd just been resting my head on his chest, but I decided to look up at him to see his reaction.

His face was flushed, and he seemed to be caught off guard by what I'd done. "Blue?" I asked. Mother of Christ what have I done. I moved off of his lap—nope nope nope nope NOPE! That "abnormality" is a HIM problem.

"I am SO sorry—" I started, slightly hysterical. He simply stared at me in disbelief, then down at his lap, then at me again. I quickly grabbed my blanket, and tossed it over his lap. "Okay—I think it's time for me to go!" I said quickly, grabbing Leo. I sprang up off of the couch, and quickly made my way to the stairs.

Fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck! Cursing...okay, I'm at the top of the stairs. Back to my room I go! I need to hide...I thought to myself, panicking. I really shouldn't have done that...

He's a living, breathing, physical person, Hyacinth. What made you think that was a good idea? Huh? Yeah...that's right. You don't fucking know!

Ugh...I sighed heavily, just now reaching my door; I slipped into my room, locking my door behind me. I walked over to my bed, and set Leo down on it. "I'm sorry about that, Leo..." I said, now letting the reality of my situation catch up to me. I sat down on my bed—then laid down—next to Leo. What time is it...?

Of all things...I'm worried about the stupid fucking time. Reaaaal classic, Hyacinth. Real classic. I sighed again, and stared up at my ceiling. Let's at least try to assess this before we have a breakdown, hm..?

I met him, what...three, four...days ago? Straight off...right off the bat? I don't know what the stupid saying is anymore. Either way, he instantly started to treat me like more than just a "guest." I don't remember much much for a trauma response being shitty memory loss, huh?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2023 ⏰

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