Chapter III - Hyacinth

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Honestly, if mouths could orgasm, then I think that mine just did.

These pancakes are literally so fucking good, my mouth is just watering IMMENSELY at the thought of them! Blue is godly when it comes to baking and cooking! I'm really happy that he decided to fix breakfast for me. Although, sitting at this huge dining table alone is...kind of making me think about a lot of "Ifs." Mainly, if it's just Blue and I here. This is supposed to be a palace, so I'd feel really bad if he just lived in this huge place all alone...

He must feel extremely lonely living in a spacious place like this. Especially if there's literally nobody around for miles. However, as for me? If I was the one living in a spacious place like this, alone? I'd probably break a world record for being paranoid, at some point... (I mean, can you really blame me? You never know if someone else could be living with you, without your knowledge of it, since the place is so big...)

Buuuut, I don't think that either of us will have to worry about that any time soon. I think it's just a liiittle bit obvious that he likes me...or I could be wrong, and he's just like that with everyone, but I don't think that I've been here for long enough to decipher that for sure just yet. Either way, whether he likes me or not, he did tell me that he wanted me to stay here. And, quite frankly? I want to stay here, too.

Hm...ohuh. I'm already done eating? I hadn't noticed...I guess those pancakes really are just too good. Well...I should start cleaning up now. Guest or not, It wouldn't necessarily be "polite" of me to just leave a mess here, especially with how fancy this place is. (Fancy places looking dirty is a HUUUUGE no-no. We don't do that here. It just doesn't look right!)

I grabbed my plate, my utensils, and anything else "dirty" that I could find, and headed back into the kitchen. I want to keep him company...say, where is he?Wait, no no no. Don't think about strangers—well...actually, we introduced ourselves, and we've been close a few times, so I think that I'd rather refer to him as my friend, now. Anyways, back to what I was doing.

I shook my head as I called myself back to attention, and found where the sink was. Big sink, too...oh well. I simply shrugged, and set the plate down gently, alongside the utensils. I found a sponge and some dish soap, and turned the water on; from there, I washed the dishes until they were spotless. I then set them aside to dry, and washed my hands.

Well...that was somewhat easy. I never really imagined myself to be washing dishes...the thought kind of amuses me. I laughed to myself—quietly—at that thought. Hm...where is he, though? The last time I saw him was when he was standing in that doorway leading into the dining room...hall?

Either way, I need to know if he's okay. After all, he has been extremely kind to me during my stay here...even if it's only been barely a day. It would be wrong of me to take advantage of this, and to just free-load off of him, I thought to myself, before looking up at my surroundings., you're so stupid! You can just can't be that hard!

I sighed, and crossed my arms. I stood still, thinking, before pacing over to the doorway that led from the kitchen, into the living room. I stood, looking around; I had come from the hall to my right, and from a staircase a few yards away from my room. Since his room is close to mine...if I go up that way, it shouldn't be too hard to find him. So, I went into the living room, collected my things, and started in the direction that I had mapped out for myself to go in.

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