Chapter 1 "Introductory Lesson"

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September 1, 2007.

Morning, 08:14.

  Lazarev started his second year of college.

  The day started worse than Seryozha thought. From early in the morning, he listened to the speech of his father, who was not drying out from alcohol, and even received a slap in the face. The fact is that his parent imagined that he returned home in the morning, although the boy stayed at home all day, only once, in the morning he went to the grocery store. The brunette had almost no money, he walked with the cheapest phone, walked in a gray shirt from old age and in worn-out trousers. It was raining outside. Lazarev was walking without an umbrella, because he didn't even have one. On the way, he was sprayed by a car.


   Entering the building, he went to the cloakroom, where Malinovsky was already waiting for him. Ohh, terrible personality. He is a real bully, how many times he broke windows, beat others. And he went all the time with one girl..Ani Lorak. I will say that others were more lucky, because Alex almost killed Seryozha outside of college, one winter. This event became known, but no one regretted it, they just started laughing because of weakness. How strange, Malinovsky didn't say anything, just went into the office, the brunette was alerted. After hanging up his jacket and changing his shoes, he also went to class.

  As usual, Lazarev was sitting at the back desk, along with Vlad. The friends sat down next to each other and said hello. They began to discuss the events that had happened all summer. It was interesting for Topalov to listen to his desperate friend tell him that he was hit by a car once, he fought with homeless people and a lot of other trash. It was funny. At some point, it came to discussing the new teacher.

  — Listen, Seryozha, I heard here.. We have a new homeroom teacher. You know Dima Bilan, right?

  — Interesting.. Yes, of course, he is my favorite performer. But what's the point?

  — We were told that he would teach our lessons and now he is our classmate.

  — I think you're kidding. Nothing will surprise me after I found out that our director is Kirkorov!

  They chatted for another five minutes, and then an unknown person entered the classroom. He was wearing a mask and glasses, a black shirt and tie. The pants were long, there were shiny shoes on the feet, and there was a chic styling on the hair. After the stranger laid out his things, he took off his mask and introduced himself.

— Good morning, guys. I'm your new homeroom teacher. My name is Dmitry Nikolaevich Bilan, I will teach you four subjects - chemistry, physics, algebra and geometry," he finally said.

  Discussions began in the class, many girls squealed with joy, they loved Bilan very much. It was the most popular performer at that time. Everyone was happy, only Lazarev did not show happiness on his face. Only a pleasant feeling flashed in my stomach, and then it dissolved. Topalov started shaking his friend and saying, "Here's your idol! Where's your joy, rookie?" It was funny, but it was still difficult to smile.

  — It's too noisy in the classroom, please shut up, — Dima said threateningly, — I understand you are shocked that you have a teacher Dima Bilan, I ask you to discuss this at recess.

There was an instant silence in the office. Everyone was watching the singer carefully, he was writing down the topic of the physics lesson on the blackboard. Seryozha was looking out the window, trying to realize what was happening, he asked a friend to pinch him, he fulfilled his wish. There were a lot of questions in my head, but so few answers, as always! Suddenly a voice was heard calling.

  — The brunette on the last desk, what's your name?

  — I'm Seryozha L-Lazarev, — the brunette stammered from not much fear.

Help with physics, Lazarev?(English version) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora