Chapter 3 "What the hell, Lazarev?!"

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My biggest fear is to describe the opening of veins.

Since that moment, Lazarev has not been touched by anyone, in terms of not offending. The teacher began to work harder and observe everyone. Malinovsky was infuriated by this, he wanted to stuff the face of the brunette, but simply could not do it. But a plan has matured in a dirty head.


December 7, 2007.
Evening, 17:15.
Lessons were over, everyone was going home. Seryozha put everything in his briefcase and suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Alex. The body shuddered, he turned around.

"What do you want, Alex..." the younger one said.

- I'm sorry, Lazarev. Let's be friends like before? - the brunette looked away, thought for a few seconds and agreed, not suspecting a trick.

- Do you want to go for a walk? The weather is great today, it's snowing!

- Good idea, Alex, I agree, go, I'll catch up with you.

The guys left. The brunette approached the blonde and politely asked with tenderness to let him go for a walk. He agreed and threatened to have him home by nine in the evening. Seryozha got the keys and ran into the locker room. After getting dressed, he went outside, where his new "friends" were waiting for him. The guys smiled at each other and left the college. They were walking in the opposite direction from Bilan's house. Nothing foreshadowed trouble, a calm evening, snow scattered around, children were playing snowballs, and the sky was purple. Friends, as mentioned above, entered the building, quite abandoned.

- Why did we come here? It's not very nice here. Or... Stop. - Lazarev turned around, the pupils of his eyes narrowed. The last thing he saw was a fist that flew into his face.

He woke up in a chair, his throat and ass hurt terribly. What happened? Rape, but to tell it in detail, you will free me. The brunette was coughing, he was very cold, his lips were blue, his jacket and shoes were scattered in different directions. The body was trembling, drops of salty tears froze in my eyes. Suddenly his head is lifted up and his mouth is opened. Malinovsky and Lorak poured vodka into his mouth and forced him to swallow. In total, he drank 250 ml of vodka, and then he was injected with a small dose of drugs. They untied him and he fell to the floor. The traitors ran away. Drunk, not thinking straight, the boy got up and staggered to put on his things. The keys were not stolen from him, so he staggered home. How many times he fell, how many times he started scandals with homeless people and climbed to others.


December 7, 2007.
Time to night, 23:34.
There was a noise from the corridor, the door opened. A drunk guy stumbled into the doorway. Closing the door, he turned around. In front of him stood Bilan, who was angry. The brunette did not understand what was going on, he was unable to. Trying to get out of the corridor, he stumbled and fell into the hands of the elder.

- Mg, Dmitry Nikolaevich, you are s-so kind. Mgm. I love you so much, you can't imagine, ta-take me as your wife, ammxx... Seryozha moaned.

- What the hell, Lazarev?! Are you fucked up?! I let you go for a walk, not to drink. Bitch, you're lucky that tomorrow is the day off, GO TO YOUR ROOM! Dima shouted, he was so angry.

The blond was worried, the younger one hadn't been home for like six hours. The brunette trudged into the room. The elder went to the kitchen for water, then returned and began to undress the student. He grumbled and continued to scold him. He was sitting and swinging in different directions. After drinking the contents of the glass, the intoxicated man fell on his side. Bilan didn't say anything else, just covered him with a blanket, took the glass and left the room, slamming the door. The poor singer did not sleep all night, he was worried, although everything was already fine.

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