Chapter 2 "Yes, you are a born singer!"

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[The part is small, but tasteful!]
!is not pedophilia!

September 3, 2007.

Morning, 11:11

The morning started with a surprise. Seventeen-year-old Lazarev did not suspect that he would wake up on Bilan's shoulder. He didn't really remember what happened yesterday, what kind of nightmare haunted him. Seryozha started in surprise and abruptly sat down. Dima opened his eyes a little, asking from the palm of his hand.

— Why are you twitching? God, I woke you up.

— What does that mean? Why am I here? What happened yesterday?

— Well, you have a memory. You came to me yesterday almost in tears, saying that you had a nightmare. It's true what Malinovsky said about you," the teacher growled sarcastically.

Lazarev looked away, feeling offended and guilty. Bilan noticed this and realized that he had made a bad joke.

— Okay, I'm sorry, I was joking, although unsuccessfully, I understand that you are offended, come to me.

Sergey reluctantly sat down, the elder hugged him, apologizing again. After about 10 seconds, the hugs stopped, it was already getting to lunch, so I had to get up. Not a favorite activity of both guys, but what can you do!

— Can you cook? — the blonde asked, receiving a nod of approval in response, — Go, please cook scrambled eggs. I have to go to the office today, I don't want to. I'll also do my homework with you in the evening.

—"With me?" Well. I can do it myself. Oh, do you have other things besides working as a teacher?

— Well, not really. In the office, I record albums there, songs. That's where I write them. And about the lessons. I don't trust you, honestly, no offense. Tell me what you did, and the next day three stakes.

Lazarev grinned, and a crooked smile appeared on his face. He once again showed a sign of approval, then got up and ran into the kitchen. The guest didn't really remember the apartment, but he found the kitchen. Let me remind you that in 2007 the apartments were not as big as they are now. It was already twelve o'clock on the clock. The meeting at the office was supposed to take place at one-thirty. But the elder was in no hurry. As he used to say and likes to say: "I am such a person, extreme! I'm always late, even when there's no reason. I may be an hour, two, three late..."

Our brunette also studied music, before college he went to music school. His dream was unreal in his eyes. After all, the boy always aspired to be like his idol, but life situations ruined all plans. Now there is hope, he and his idol can communicate freely, even became roommates.


Ohh, Seryozha cooked divinely. Bilan was melting with pleasure. It's just scrambled eggs, how can it be unusual? It's just that he knew the secret ingredients that he learned from his mother. The brunette sat and shivered, thinking how to ask the teacher to take him with him. The guy was afraid of the unknown and rejection, but still plucked up the courage and gave it away.

— Mm, Dmitry Nikolaevich, and maybe I'll go with you? I'll write something down too... it's just that I have a dream, to become a star like you! I even have the lyrics.

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