Metatron's Escape

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"WAIT, I-I know how to get everyone their wings back!"
Gabriel paused. Metatron took this as an invitation to continue speaking, "There's a spell. On another tablet."
"And why wouldn't it be on the Angel Tablet?" Metatron opened his mouth, but Gabriel spoke over him, "And if you don't give me a straight answer I will lock you in here and throw away the key. You will NEVER see light again."
There was a silence before Metatron answered, "Okay. It's on the Angel tablet, but you need the other tablets to finish the spell. It's separated between ALL the tablets."
Gabriel, wanting to just slam the door closed forever, forced himself to speak, "Where are the rest of the tablets."
"You think I know?"
Gabriel glared at Metatron, "You wrote them. And I know for a fact you were the one who hid them so don't fucking lie."
Metatron stayed silent for a moment, "I'll show you."
Gabriel shut the door and sealed it before walking away.

Gabriel walked into the room Niomi used to work at, "fixing" angels. He always thought it was crap. All she did was repress memories in other people's heads, the real "problem" never went away. Hints at Lucifer, who she tried to "fix" to keep him from rebelling.
Hannah looked up, "Did you deal with him?"
"Yeah. And I'm leaving, with Metatron."
"I have a lead on how to get everyone back their wings..." Gabriel trailed off for a moment. Hannah stayed silent, waiting for him to continue. But when he didn't answer she spoke up, "Why do you need Metatron? All he wants is to escape from here And you're taking him out?"
"I NEED him to show me where the tablets are. There's a spell..."
Commotion aroused outside almost out of nowhere. Hannah and Gabriel briefly heard the sound of an angel dying before Gabriel rushed outside just in time to see Metatron vanish.
Gabriel looked towards the jail. It was blasted in, it definitely took more than Metatron to break out of that cell.
Gabe let his wings be known. Lightning came down in Heaven, as well as fierce winds swirling around Gabriel. The power of an archangel. "WHO!" Gabriel's real voice rung all throughout Heaven, everywhere there was a angel his voice was there, "Let him out..."
Everyone stayed silent.
"WHO LET METATRON OUT!!!" Thunder cracked with his voice.
Someone pointed towards the dead angel on the floor, "Amy, sh-she fell a-a long time ago. W-we didn't know if sh- if she was still alive."
The winds subsided, "I'm going after him."
Gabriel looked towards Hannah, "You're in charge while I'm away. You and Ezekiel."
*Arthor's note: The real Ezekiel was brought back before God left again, not Gadriel.*

Gabriel left without another word. It's been a while since he was down to the world. This was his home for so long. It felt weird being back here. He had to listen to what was going on up in Heaven to make sure him returning wasn't a dream. Then he searched for Metatron, well spaces that had no reading whatsoever. That's how Metatron hid, blocking out his reading from the other angels. He found one. In Scandinavia, where he was Loki for a while, twice actually. The second time was when he hid out from Michael for a while. After Michael killed, her.....

"Dad, what's going on?" Gabriel's heart dropped, "You have to hide. You'll be killed if your found." Gabriel was already in Scandinavia, taking every precaution not to be found by his brother. "That doesn't answer my question."
"I'll explain later, I promise."
"I love you dad."
Gabriel hung up the phone. He hated himself for letting this happen. Sarah died because of him. This is his fault.
Metatron appeared outside the phone booth, smirking, "So, how does it feel to be hunted by your brothers?" Metatron let his smirk fall, "It hurts doesn't it?"
"Anonymous tip. But yeah, it was me." Gabriel lunged at Metatron, pinning him down, "I could KILL you right now!"
"But you won't."
"What's stopping me?"
"Michael. You kill me? Michael finds out where you are. Everyone knows the only thing that can kill an angel, is another angel. And considering no one is allowed down here..."
Before Gabriel could react, Metatron disappeared.

So, yeah. Chapter 2. Metatron's a dickwad. Thanks for reading.

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