Are You Still Alive?

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"This is Dean. Leave your name, number, and nightmare at the tone..." Beep. "Hello, Dean?" The boy took a breath, "Dean, it's Ben. Mom... never got the chance to remember you. I do. I need your help. Please call me back, I don't know what to do." Click.

-------------- 3 Days Later -------------

Beep. "This is Ben again. I tracked down your car, the one you wouldn't let me touch? I'm assuming you're dead. Everything's still in the trunk." He paused, "If you're still alive, PLEASE, call me back." Click.


Gabriel appeared in front of a house. This was the last place he knew Metatron was at. He still didn't get the pattern. He went from killing an art dealer in upstate New York, to destroying a little town almost no one had heard of. The only thing of significance in that little town was an orchard. And now he's in some random neighborhood.
Gabriel walked into the house, blood everywhere. He didn't understand why Metatron was doing this. It seemed pointless. Then, he stumbled upon a picture book. He picked it up. "Dean. All of these must have been people amd towns the Winchesters and Lacey helped. I don't know every town they helped, or if he's going in order..."
The sound of cars pulling up stoped Gabriel from his thoughts. The door was kicked open. "POLICE! STOP WHAT YOU'RE DOING AND PUT YOUR HANDS UP IN THE AIR NOW!!!" By the time the police rushed into the room, Gabe and the pictures were gone.

There was only one body in that house. The pictures showed two people, other than Dean. A woman with dark skin and hair, and a young boy who looked a lot like both the woman and Dean.
Gabriel waited for the police to leave and went back in the house. He searched everywhere for the boy, but his body was nowhere to be found.
He walked up the stairs to the second floor. After looking through the rooms he found missing keys, a suitcase, a empty spot in a box, and a empty closet in what Gabe assumed was the boy's room.


-------1 Week Later-------

Ben parked the truck at a motel. It's been a week and a half since, whatever that was, kill his mom. Dean still wasn't answering his phone.
He walked up to the office and went in. The man behind the counter looked up, "What can I do for ya' kid?"
"I'd like a room."
The man leaned over to look outside, "Your parents out there?"
Ben paused for a moment. The TV behind the counter showed a picture of Ben's face with 'missing' under it. The man went to turn around. "A-actually!" The man turned back around. "I, I'm an emancipated minor. I live by myself." Ben's eyes flickered between the TV and the man behind the counter, "I'm just going on a small trip. So, I need a room."
Ben put down some money and looked at the TV before the man turned around, his face was gone.
"Here ya' go kid. Don't ruin the room."

Ben opened the door and went in. He threw his stuff on the bed. When he turned around to close the door, he nearly jumped out of his skin. A man, with blonde hair and whiskey colored eyes (well, more like the sun going through a glass of whiskey) stood in the doorway with a slight grin on his face and his arms crossed. He wore a green jacket, a dark shirt, and jeans. "You. You are a hard person to track down."
Ben went for the gun hidden in his bag. The man popped up in front of him, holding the gun, "Just FYI. This won't work on me."
"Who are you?"
The man perused his lips before answering, "They call me Gabriel."
"Like the archangel?"
Gabriel smirked, "I AM the archangel. And Dean's dead. Long story for another day."
"And I should believe you?"
"If you want. Won't change the truth though. What I want to know is how you managed to escape from Metatron."

Yes, I killed Lisa. I had to. But I have Ben.

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