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"The next person after Lisa, was..." Lacey bit at the inside of her cheek as she thought back to the next person she helped with Sam and Dean. She looked up at Gabriel, "If you wouldn't mind making my journal appear? I'm not 100% sure the who the name of the person was. I could tell you who I helped after Lisa, but not who I helped with Sam and Dean."
Gabriel made a leather journal pop up in his hand. "You know, instead of pulling me back from the dead, you could've just read my journal." Gabe pouted for a moment, "But it wouldn't have been as much fun. Besides, I need someone to watch Benjamin while I scout out the next potential victim. I can't figure out your journal anyway. Who taught you to write?" "I was jotting down stuff. I can read it."
Lacey opened the journal, flipping through the pages. She stopped at one entry, "The next person we helped was Bella, but she's dead."
"Anyone else involved?"
Lacy looked down at the page before placing her finger on a name, "A Ms. Case. It was her... niece? That died and caught our attention."
Gabriel disappeared, leaving an angel blade in his place. Ben, who was sleeping when she got there, woke up. He immediately went on the defensive. Lacey put her hands up, "I'm not going to hurt you. Gabriel left me here. I'm Lacey."
Ben relaxed a bit, "I remember you. You were with Dean and his brother when they saved the whole neighborhood from that monster."
Lacey, taken aback, stared ag Ben for a minute before speaking, "How do you remember that? I thought Cas..." She stopped, remembering Cas is probably dead as well, "I thought Cas erased your memory."
Ben shrugged, "I got it back."

Four hours passed at the motel. Nothing happened. Then the door got blasted open. Demons rushed in as Lacey picked up the angel blade and hid Ben in the bathroom. One of them, a male, walked up and flashed it's eyes, "I heard you were back. I didn't believe it until now. Tell me, Lacey, do you still have your powers? If you do, you'll live. You're more useful with the powers." Lacey tensed up, "I don't know."
The demon looked at her, "You don't remember me do you? Of course you don't. You're used to me wearing another meat suit, one that looked like a doctor." It smiled as Lacey remembered. "You remember now don't you? I worked with Lilith. Conducting those experiments on you. Go on," He pushed his arm out as he shoved her to the wall, "see if you have your gifts. Lacey Fisher."
Lacey's face wrinkled in confusion, "My last name is Adler."
"Not on your birth certificate. It says Fisher. Lacey Nicole Fisher. Born to a father, Simon Jay Fisher, and a Mother, Kinzie Green-Fisher. I snapped your father's neck you know? After Michael, the Archangel, killed your mother. Michael didn't know about you, what you are. We found you and hid you before Michael got his hands on you. We saved your life, gave you a chance to live. And you repay us by destroying everything we worked for. It's time you give back. Give us the boy, or, you can come with us. But only if you have your powers, and I need proof."
Lacey took in a deep breath. Then she pushed the demons away, "Go back to hell." She slid in the bathroom and locked the door.
"Ben, open that window." She pointed to the one above the toilet. Ben quickly opened it. Lace ran up and looked outside. Seeing it clear she motioned for Ben to climb our as she watched the door. Just as she climbed out the door broke. She got up on her feet and pointed towards the woods, "RUN!!!"

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