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*Note: I'm changing to 1st person for Lacey like in the last book. It's easier to write that way, I can get into the character more.

Ben and I ran through the woods for hours, only stopping briefly as one of us trips, or almost trips, over something. We finally stopped running when we got to a river.
My lungs were burning, but I managed to speak, somehow, "Gabriel," my voice was barely there from my heavy breathing, "Gabriel. We were attacked. W- we need you."
"What happened?"
Ben and I turned around to see Gabriel, also hurt with blood on his clothes. Ben spoke, "Uhhh... Some people came in. They busted through the door. One of them said they knew Lacey. They said her last name was Fisher, and he and someone named Lilith saved her from being discovered by Michael. That she owed them. A- and she should give me to them."
I stayed silent, looking at the ground.
Gabriel's voice came through the air, "Lacey..."
"I don't want to talk Gabriel. I'm tired, and I just want to sleep."


Gabriel walked out of the room after warding it against demons. He wanted to let Lacey sleep after what happened.

Gabe walked back in after a while; Lacey was awake on one of the beds, staring up at the ceiling. Ben was asleep on the other.
"Why aren't you asleep?"
Gabriel stood, leaning against the wall. Lacey looked towards him, but she stayed silent and looked back up to the ceiling.
Gabriel let out a sigh and sat down on a couch turning on the tv and muting the sound so it wouldn't disturb Ben.
Lacey stayed silent, turning over on her side to look at Gabriel, "Why didn't you tell me what my last name was?"
Gabriel turned so he was looking at Lacey when he spoke, "I didn't see any point. The only difference that bit of information would have made would be Michael trying to kill you."
Lacey stays quiet.
Gabriel sighs and gets up, walking to Lacey. Gabriel speaks as he moves her hair out of her face, "You should get some sleep." Gabe kisses Lacey's forehead.
"Mmmhhmmm..." Lacey closes her eyes to sleep.


I'm running around the place Lilith had me in, a little girl again. I stop running for a second and the shock collar around my neck goes off, sending electricity down my spine as I yelp.
A voice comes on in through the speakers overhead, "Keep. Running."
I begin to run again, despite the pain of my blistered and cut feet and all over my body.
The dream quickly turns into something worse as my surroundings turn into my old foster home.
Kids surround me, their voices shouting things such as "FREAK!" or "You should just kill yourself now, no one loves you."
I get kicked in the shin, causing me to fall down to the ground. "Things would be better if you weren't here! Where the hell did you come from anyway? Were you droped here from your home planet?"
Laughs filled the air as I get kicked in stomach a couple of times.

I toss and turn in my bed, whimpering and crying. "No..... leave me alone....... leave me alone!"
I wake up as Gabriel shakes me awake calling my name. His hands were on both of my shoulders; I look at them before meeting his concerned face. "..... I'm fine. It was just a nightmare Gabe."

Metatron watches from a distance, plotting his next move. A call comes up on his phone, he answers. "The room is warded, but I can fix that no problem.............. Yes, the boy is yours I just want Lacey." He hangs up the phone and continues to watch.

This chapter is basically just filler. Sorry about the lack of updates.

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