Chapter Three

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I was beyond pissed. I knew exactly who did that to her and I wanted him to pay. I pulled into the driveway and was relieved to see mom's car wasn't there. But dad's was. I walked inside. "Dad, I need to talk to you but it stays between the two of us," I said. "Of course, son, what's wrong?" He asked worriedly. I sighed and took a deep breath. "How do you gut someone?" I asked.

I watched a smile spread over his face. It was kind of creepy. "You take a knife and you split them from groin to sternum," he said and demonstrated. "Follow me," he said and led me to our shed in the backyard. "Just tell me it's not, Vic," he told me. "Dad, what the fuck! no, I love her, why would I ever kill her?!" I said. "I've killed someone who hurt me before and I nearly killed your mom. I just wanted to make sure," he told me. I nodded, "No it's her piece of shit boyfriend," I said bitterly.

"Well, I have something for you," he said and opened up a box in the shed that held a dusty knife and a ghostface costume. "These are mine, now they are yours," he told me. I hugged him "thanks, dad, any tips?" I asked.

"One, Make sure you have a partner. If anything, someone to frame in case you get caught. Two, come up with a believable lie for the cops with your partner. Three, always plan for a sequel because let's face it, baby, these days you gotta have a sequel! Four, your mom is so gonna kill me," he said and I chuckled. "Thanks, dad. I know just who to ask." I smiled and put the stuff in my car.

I texted Chad, "hey, come over." Chad was my best friend. If anyone would help me it would be him. I was waiting in my car when he walked up. "Let's go for a ride," I said. He nodded and got in. We drove around to anIn and Out. "Ok, so I don't know if you know but James beat up Vic bad today," I told him. "What?! That son of a bitch!" He said. I nodded, "I want him dead, will you help me?" I asked. "Yes, he hurt my cousin. Let's do this," he smirked.


As we pulled up a bit away from James' house that night I was nervous. "What if we get caught?" I said nervously. "We won't trust my dad and Uncle Billy never did," he told me. I nodded feeling better. "So I call you kill right?" I asked and he nodded, "I'm going to enjoy this." He put the costume on as did I and we snuck over.

We looked through the window to see him with another girl cuddling with her laughing. "Fuck the call, he is dying now," Phoenix said, shaking in anger. We busted through the door. I went for the girl while Phoenix took care of James when he was done James was nothing more than a bloody corpse. We got back in his car.

"That was actually fun," I admitted and he nodded. He seemed to kind of be in shock. "It was but if mom finds out she is gonna kill me," he said. "Uncle Randy will too. So we don't tell them," I said. "We take this to our graves." we promised. We went to his house and snuck in cleaning ourselves up. Then I went home.


I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about how much I had hurt Phoenix. I got up and went outside for air. I saw Chad getting out of Phoenix's jeep. I figured they went for a ride. I walked over, "hey, guys," I smiled. They both jumped and quickly shut the car doors. The windows tinted so I couldn't see inside. "Are y'all ok?" I asked.

"Never better, just tired. You and Chad should get some sleep," Phoenix told me. I shook my head, "can't sleep. Listen, I'm sorry about the other night, the whole breaking off our friendship. I miss you, Phen" I told him. "I miss you too, I'm sorry for what he did," he told me. I shook my head, "it's my own fault but I'm ending it tomorrow if anything. I'll tell the cops." I said and hugged him. He hugged back. I felt safe in his arms. I truly loved him.

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