Chapter Five

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We later went to school. Everyone was talking about the murders. People kept questioning me on why I was not upset about James' death. Only my friends knew why. I was in the bathroom when I heard Brittany, one of the cheerleaders talking. "She probably killed him. We all know she is a little off." I heard her say.

"Her whole family is. Hell she probably killed James to be with Phoenix. She is just a slut who doesn't deserve him." I clenched my fist. How dare she that bitch didn't know anything. "I bet I could make Phoenix change his mind. That hottie deserves better than her,'' she added, then left. I stepped out of the stall pissed.

Later at lunch I sat by the fountain waiting for Phoenix. I saw him walking toward the group when Brittany stopped him. I couldn't hear what they were saying but then she kissed him?! I was pissed I saw red and wanted her blood on my hands. I knew exactly what to do.

Phoenix pushed her away, pissed and walked over. "Vic, it isn't what it looks like," he told me. I hugged him, "I know. I heard that bitch in the bathroom earlier she wanted you," I said. The rest of the school day went really well.

That evening I snuck out and over to Brittany's house. I had moms costume on. Checking the doors I chuckled quietly. Stupid bitch didn't have the back door locked. I snuck in hiding. I called her. "Hello?" She said. "Hello, slut, you know it's not nice to kiss a guy that's taken," I said. "Oh please, that slut doesn't deserve him," she said. "And how do you know what I did?" She asked.

"Oh I'm always watching you," I said. "And because of that I'm going to hang your insides up like Christmas lights," I laughed and hung up. She looked around scared. I attacked her from behind, stabbing her multiple times before gutting her. I realized what I had done then I ran. I went back home, changed and went to mom. "M-mom can we talk?" I said.

She frowned hearing me upset and nodded as we went to my room. "Mom, I did something horrible..." I told her crying. She hugged me. "What's wrong, what happened?" She asked. I told her about Brittany flirting and kissing him. "I got so mad next thing I know I'm at her house and I, I killed her," I cried.

She hugged me, "oh sweetie, first did you enjoy it?" She asked. "I did for a minute but now I regret it. I feel like a monster," I sobbed. "You're not. I'm sorry, sweetie, it's in your genes it's my fault," She said. "I've been there. I used to be jealous of Yn. Now she never kissed Randy but they always fake flirted and were really close. It's gonna be ok just don't tell anyone and I'm here if you need to talk," she told me. "Thank you, mom, I love you," I said and soon fell asleep.


I sighed feeling like I failed as a mother. I really hoped Mason wouldn't turn out like this. I texted yn, "can you come over tomorrow? I need someone to talk to." I texted. "Yeah sure, is everything ok?" She replied. "I'll explain later." I texted and went to bed with Randy.

The next morning Randy took the kids to school and yn came over. "There was another murder," she said. "Well, don't accuse the boys because I know who did it," I told her. "Oh no, Sapp, please tell me you haven't started this again!" She said. I shook my head, "no, I'm done with that. I wish I would have never done it because well, like mother like daughter except she hates herself for it right now," I sighed.

Yn hugged me, "oh Sapp, I'm so sorry. I know how you feel at least we know she won't do it again but I'm not sure if the same could be said for Phoenix," she sighed. I hugged back, "Damn psychotic genes," I sighed. We sat down and had some tea just talking.


We all sat at the fountain for lunch. I had Vic close; she had been questioned all day. "They ask if you like to hunt?" Chad asked me. "Yeah, did they ask you?" I said. He nodded.

"Why would they ask that?" Mindy said. "Because her body was gutted," Chad said. "It takes a man to do something like that," he added. I rolled my eyes. "That is so sexist." Tara said she was his girlfriend now.

"Yeah, a woman could easily kill with the right motivation," Victoria said. She had a dark look in her eyes. I raised a brow. Had she? There was no way. "How do you gut someone?" Tara asked. I smirked repeating my dad's words "you take a knife. And you slit them groin to sternum," I said.

"Hey, it's called tact you fuck rag," Mindy snapped she clearly didn't want her friend to hear about that despite who her father was. I held my hands up in surrender. "My bad, sorry," I said. Lunch was over, but I stopped Vic before she could leave. "It was you wasn't it babe?" I asked. She sighed and nodded, "yes, but I won't do it again. I hate myself for it," she said walking away. I felt bad for her. Did I regret my killing? No, but I hated that she was upset for hers.


I was in Stu and I's bedroom putting away clothes. I noticed the other day while I was doing laundry that one of his white shirts had a red stain on it. At the time I figured he might have cut himself or something. But then I noticed his boots had blood on them too. I made sure to get the stain out of his white shirt and then made sure his boots were clean.

I was beginning to think he was the one that killed that director.  But if he was back killing again then that also had to mean Billy was too. I wasn't going to say anything to anyone. Things have been rough since Dewey was killed. But I was going to have a little chat with my husband.

I just  put away the rest of the clothes when he walked into the room. "Hey, beautiful." He wrapped his arms around me from behind, kissing my cheek. "There's no kids in the house. Wanna fool around?" He started to kiss up my neck. "It was you wasn't it?" I asked. He hummed into the crock of my neck, placing a kiss there. "What was me?"

"You're the one that killed that guy. The one Randy worked with. The one that took his place as the main director. You and Billy killed him." I turned around and looked at him. His mouth was hung open. "No use in lying Stu. I saw the blood on the shirt and your boots. And you're welcome by the way. I cleaned up after you." He sighed and sat down on the end of the bed. "We did kill him. And Randy helped."

"Stu! What the fuck is wrong with you? And I'm guessing Phoenix killed Victoria's ex-boyfriend too. Did you give him advice? Oh, my god you did, didn't you! He used your stuff to do it too, didn't he? Jesus fucking Christ,  Stu!" I yelled. My son could go to fucking jail if they find out it was him. "Baby, listen, everything is going to be fine. Billy and I didn't get caught and I'll make sure Phoenix doesn't either. If it comes down to it and he's arrested, I'll tell them it was me."

I turned around, eye wide with disbelief. "I don't want either of you going to prison! I swear to God, Stuart Macher, if you don't fucking fix this I will fucking kill you!" He nodded frantically, "I'll fix it. Just don't tell Sapp or Sid, please." I sighed, running a hand over my face. "I won't," I said. He smiled and started walking towards me. I held up a finger and he stopped.

But... only if you go buy me some wine and maybe a new piece of jewelry. Maybe that ring I showed you the other day. Take Phoenix to school and Nyx to day daycare and pick them up for two weeks straight. Cook dinner for the rest of the month. Draw me a bubble bath and let me relax tonight while you help the kids. "Is that all Mrs. Macher?" He asked, hands landing on my waist. "For now." He leaned down to kiss me but I pulled away.

"Better go pick the kids up so you can start dinner." He pouted, "fine," he whined and walked towards the door. I jumped when his hands landed on my hips. "Don't think you're going to be in charge for long. As soon as the kids are in bed I'm going fuck you into next week," he whispered in my ear and then left. That man was going to be the death of me.

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