Chapter Four

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The next morning I got ready for school when mom came in. She looked scared and as usual heartbroken. "Vic, sweetie, sit down," she told me and I did, worried. "Mom, what's going on you're scaring me," I said. Was it Phoenix? My heart clenched at the thought.

"James was murdered last night with another girl. I'm so sorry, sweetie," she told me and hugged me. I hugged back shocked, "it's ok. I'm kind of glad. I was gonna break up with him anyway," I told her. "What why?" She asked. I sighed and pulled my sleeve up. She gasped, "oh, Vic, I'm so sorry," she said. "Why didn't you tell me before I could have helped you." she told me.

"I was scared of what he would do if he found out," I said. She hugged me tighter. "I wouldn't have let him hurt you anymore," She said. "I love you, mom," I said. "I love you too, sweetie. Um they want you down at the station to question you personally," she told me. I nodded, "will you go with me?" I asked. "Of course, whatever you need," she told me.

Later we went to the police station. There was a photo of Uncle Dewey there. I heard mom crying into dads chest. I hugged her. We quickly got questioned and they let us go. Mom was quiet on the ride home. We went over to Aunt Yn's house and I went up to Phoenix, "Hey, can we talk?" I asked.


I was laying in bed watching Friday the 13th when Vic came in wanting to talk. "Yeah sure," I sat up. She had on a plaid shirt and torn jeans and her hair in a messy bun. She looked hot. "I want to be honest with you. I've loved you for a while now. I don't know if you feel the same or not and I hope this doesn't ruin things between us," she said nervously.

"Oh Vic, I've loved you since we were kids," I said and hugged her. "Will you go out with me tomorrow night?" I asked. "Yes, yes I will," she smiled and snuggled close. I kissed her head as we watched the movie. I was finally happy with the girl of my dreams.

I cuddled with her as we watched the movie. She jumped at a few parts. I chuckled, "scared?" I asked teasingly. She stuck her tongue out, "no, not at all," she denied. "Liar," I said and tickled her. She giggled and squirmed "ok, ok, I admit it, stop please," she said. I chuckled and let her go.


I sat down with yn and sighed, "it's happening again isn't it?" I asked. "I hope not but it seems that way. Will it ever end?" She asked. "I don't know but I'm terrified. I can't lose anyone else," I said, crying. "First it was Tatum, then almost Randy, then Dewey. Who's next, you one of my kids? I can't go through this again," I sobbed.

She hugged me, "I know you're upset but you gotta calm down. This isn't good for the baby. I think I know who it is and if I'm right, you, Randy, and the kids are safe," she said. "W-who do you think it is?" I asked. She smiled sadly, "like father like son.." she told me. I knew it upset her. We both feared our children would turn out psycho since Stu and I were. "Oh, yn, I'm sorry and this may sound bad but I hope it is him because I know our group and kids are safe," I said.

She nodded, "if Stu helped him I'm going to kick his ass," she chuckled. I couldn't help but laugh. "Wanna call Sid over for a girls night? I know the guys are all hanging out," I said. She nodded, "sure why not." She called Sid, who agreed to come over.


I went to Billy's house for our guys' night. I got there before Randy. I walked in cracking open a beer. "Dude, guess what," I said smugly. "What's up and why do you have that shit eating grin," He said. "My son is following in my footsteps," he said. "Congrats, you want a cookie or something?" He said.

I rolled my eyes, "you're just jealous Sam and Tara aren't like their daddy," I told him. "Actually, I'm not. I don't want my princesses doing that. Would you want Nyx to be psycho?" He asked. "No I wouldn't but what do you say we have some fun for old times sake," I said with a smirk. He smirked, "why not."

Randy walked in with pizza, "so what? Beers, pizza, and a movie?" He asked. "Hell yeah. Why not stab?" I suggested and they nodded. As it played Randy shook his head. "I still don't understand how you guys liked doing that," he said. "You just gotta have the balls," I said, grabbing another beer. "What are you saying I'm too chicken?" He said offended. I smirked and gave Billy a look.

"We love you but let's be honest, man, you're too pussy to do it," Billy said. "I am not. If I wanted to I could," he said glaring at us. "Ok, well, then prove it," I challenged. "What are you crazy, the girls will kill us!" He says. "They won't know, come on, isn't there someone who really pisses you off?" I said.

He thought for sla minute, "Steve. The one who stole my spot as main director of the movie," he says. "Well, let's go get two costumes and go unless you're too scared," I said. "No way, let's go," he said. We headed out getting our costumes.

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