Chapter Six

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I called Yn. I had been thinking a lot. Who would benefit from Steve's death. Randy, he really wanted that lead director position and if Stu and Billy talked him into it, I knew he would kill him. "Hey, can you and Stu watch the kids tonight? I need to talk to Randy," I told her. "Yes, is everything ok?" She asked. I sighed, "I'll explain later. Thank you," I said and hung up. A few hours later Randy came in and the kids were at YNs. "We need to talk." I went to our room.

"It was you wasn't it?" I asked. "You killed Steve to get the director position," I added. He sighed and nodded. I don't know if it was the hormones or fear of him getting caught but I lost it. "Dammit Randy!" I yelled. "Why the hell are you doing this! I'm fucking pregnant, what's gonna happen if you get caught?! Our son or daughter will grow up without a father. I've lost Tatum nearly lost you and I lost Dewey I can't fucking lose you too!"

Smut warning

Next thing I knew he had pinned me to the wall, his hand around my throat gently squeezing. "It's not very nice to yell looks like I got ti fuck that attitude out of you" he said seductively in my ear. I was pissed but also turned on. "Fine but we need to have a serious talk afterwards," I said. He didn't answer, he just kissed me.

First my lips then across my cheek. When he got to my neck I moaned. Next thing I knew both our clothes were off and he had me on the bed. He wasted no time thrusting into me. "Gentle please," I said. He nodded and went a bit softer. Soon we were both close. "Come with me, Gem," he said and we both came hard. I panted and he laid beside me. "Still mad?"

Smut over

"Yes but not as much. At least I know if it's Phoenix and you boys behind it we aren't a target for once but please be careful. I can't, I can't lose you" I said. "You won't, I promise, we have a plan," He told me. I sighed and nodded knowing I couldn't stop him.


I had closed down the video store. I worked at the same one Aunt Yn and Uncle Randy used to work at, I was the assistant manager. I went out to my car. I turned the key but it wouldn't start. I sighed and called dad. "Hey dad," I said. "Hey princess, is everything ok?" He asked. "No, my car won't start, can you pick me up?" I asked. "Yes, I'll be there in 10 minutes. "Ok. Love you," I said. "Love you too." I hung up.

My phone rang with an unknown caller. "Hello?" I said. "Hello   Sam, you shouldn't leave your car unlocked for someone to drain the battery." A familiar voice says. "Fuck you. I'm not playing this game!" I snapped. I got out of the car to hide inside the store. I hung up the phone. I walked toward the store when I felt a stabbing pain in my back on the side. I screamed.

I turned around to see someone in a ghostface mask. They stabbed me in the stomach then left. I fell to the ground in pain then passed out.


I pulled up to the video store and swore. Sam was there unconscious and bloody. I grabbed my knife and ran over to her pissed and worried. I picked her up and she let out an unconscious moan of pain. I put her in the car racing to the hospital. As the doctors took her away for surgery I called Sid. "Get to YNs with Tara now," I said worriedly. "Grab the gun and stay there. Sam was attacked," I said.

"What?!" She yelled. "The doctors are doing surgery right now but I want you safe over there. I'll tell Stu you are on the way and let me know when you get there. Please be careful. I love you," I said. I hung up and called Stu. "Sid is on her way with Tara, keep them safe, I'm at the hospital," I said. "Sam was attacked," I added. "Oh god is she gonna be ok?!" He asked. "I hope so I'll keep y'all updated," I said and hung up.

I called the cops to make a report. They questioned me on where I was. I showed them the time she called me. "She called around about ten."

It seemed like forever that Sam was in surgery but it was only an hour. Sid had made it safely to Stu's. The doctor finally came out, "she is going to be just fine. The surgery went well. She is on pain meds and still asleep," He told me. I nodded, "thank you, doc, when can I take her home?" I asked.

"In about a week. I want to keep an eye on her," he said. I nodded and went to her room laying on the uncomfortable couch. "I'm so sorry you got hurt princess," I whispered, getting up and kissing her head. I texted the others letting them know she was ok and can visit tomorrow.


When Billy called me I was horrified. I promised I would keep Sid and Tara safe. I went to Yn who was taking a bubble bath. "I have some bad news," I said carefully. "This time it wasn't us guys or Phoenix," I said.

"Oh no. What happened? Does that mean our family isn't safe?" She asked. "We will be, I swear it," I said. "Sam was attacked and she is in the hospital. Billy sent Sid and Tara here; they will be here soon," I told her. She nodded, "ok. I'll finish my bath and come downstairs,p" She said. I nodded and went to Phoenix knocking on the door.


I heard the knock and mentally groaned. Things with Vic and I were getting good and now it was ruined. "Just a minute," I said and quickly got dressed. I was slightly out of breath and a bit sweaty. "This better be important," I said, annoyed.

Dad laughed, "sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt. I know it's annoying, can't tell you how many times it happened to me. Anyway, your Aunt Sid and Tara are on their way. Billy is at the hospital with Sam. She was attacked and I think we both know who attacked her," he sighed.

I nodded and clenched my fist. Oh I couldn't wait to gut Jason. Especially since all the times he flirted with Victoria. "Should Chad and I head out?" I asked. "No. I don't want Chad to know yet he will do something stupid," Dad said. I sighed and nodded. I didn't like lying to my best friend but dad was right.

Scream: What if Aftermath Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora