Chapter Seven

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We sat in class, a family friend, Eric, was subbing in chemistry. "Ok, I'm gonna take roll call," he said. "Jacqueline," he said, pronouncing it wrong. She corrected him, "Do you mean Jacqueline," she asked. He slammed the clipboard down, "ok so that's how it's gonna be we are gonna play." I held back a laugh. "Balake," he said. "No balake here?" He said Blake raised his hand, "my name's Blake," he said.

"Are you out of your damn mind?! Blaakee," he said sarcastically. "Do you want to go to war balake because we could go to war? I'm for real. I'm for real, " he said, picking up the clipboard to read a new name. "Denice," he said, annoyed.

She raised her hand, "do you mean Denise?" She said. He broke the clipboard, "son of a bitch! You say your name right," he snapped. "Denise," she said, snarkily. "Right!" He snapped. "Denise," she says. "One more chance," he said. "Denice," she sighed, rolling her eyes.

"Thank you, now finally A-a-ron where is A-a-ron at," he said. There was no answer. "Well you better be sick, dead, or mute Aaron," he said. "Here," Aaron quickly said. "Why didn't you say it the first time?" He said. "Hmm?" He said clueless. "I said it twice, why didn't you answer the first time I said Aaron?" He asked.

Because it's pronounced Aron" he said nervously "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY CLASSROON BEFORE I BREAK MY FOOT UP IN YOUR ASS," he yelled and Aaron left.


I was beyond pissed. All day Aaron and Blake had been flirting with our girls, clearly making them uncomfortable. I pulled Chad aside. "Up for making those assholes pay tonight?" I asked. He nodded. I could tell he was just as pissed.

Later that night I snuck out. Luckily mom was at the hospital with uncle Billy, Aunt Sid and Sam. I met Chad outside and we went to Blake's house. Luckily Aaron was there too. We called them trying to freak them out. But Aaron was just being a dick and said. "Look ghostface wannabe, fuck off, your probably some need who doesn't have the guts to do this," he said

I clenched my fist and chuckled darkly into the phone. "Oh, I do have the guts and I can't wait to see yours strewn across your house," I said, smirking under my mask. Chad and I snuck in, dumbasses didn't even lock the door. "Let's play a little game," I said.

"Yeah, no, fuck you," he said about to hang up. "You hang up on me I'll guy you like a fish!" I snapped. I watched as Blake went to the bathroom. Chad snuck in killing him quietly. "What game?" He asked, I could hear the nervousness in his voice. "What door did I use to come in?" I asked.

What?" He said. "There are two doors to your house, the front and the back, which did I use?" I asked. "You don't want to end up like Blake do you?" I said as Chad threw Blake over the stairs. Aaron screamed like a girl. I stabbed him a lot until he was dead then we left. We got to my house and snuck in through the window cleaning up our costumes and knives.

An hour later we heard a knock on the door. I looked out the window and saw the cops. I swore. Luckily it was only dad home.


I opened the door, "good evening officer, how can I help you," I said. "Yes, is your son home?" He asked me. "Yes sir, he has been home all night," I said, hoping he was actually home. "Two students were murdered and a neighbor saw a car matching the description of his," He said. "Do you mind if we look around the house?"

I know that you can't search my house without a warrant," I said. "Ok, well, can we at least speak to your son?" he asked. "If he wants to talk to you, yes," I said. "Phoenix, can you come down here?" I called.

He and Chad walked down. "Good evening officer," Phoenix said. "Hello, Mr. Macher we got word of a car matching your description leaving the scene of a crime," he said. "I assure you me and Chad have been up in my room playing video games all night," he said.

The officer nodded but I could tell he didn't believe them. "Good evening then," he said and left. I looked at the boys, "y'all have to be more careful," I said. And they nodded clearly nervous. "We will park the car farther away next time," Chad said.

I shook my head, "it's best for Billy and I to do the next one and y'all stay here make sure you have an alibi," I said. I could tell Phoenix wasn't happy about it but he didn't argue. "And we definitely don't tell your mom," I added. Chad nodded in agreement.


I couldn't believe we almost got caught. I called Tara to check on her. "Hey, love, you doing ok?" I asked. "Hey, yeah, just worried about Sam. They said she will pull through but I know how easy it is for a ghostface to get into a hospital," she told me.

"Uncle Billy is with her; he would kill anyone who touched her," I assured her. "That's true, can I sneak over and stay with you for the night?" She asked. I smiled, "of course, baby girl, I'll open my window," I said and did that. 

She soon got there and we cuddled while watching a movie when there was a bang downstairs. Followed by Aunt Sapps scream. I ran down there to see Uncle Randy bleeding from a few stab wounds and Sapp frozen in shock. Victoria held Mason protectively. "Go get Uncle Stu!" I said and fought the killer. He or she left just as Stu got there.

"Shit Sapps in shock. I guarantee she is thinking about Windsor," Stu said.  "Chad, go get yn I'll get Randy patched up luckily the wounds aren't too deep," I got yn and she slapped Sapp.

"Fuck that hurt. Randy is he.." she didn't finish. "I'm ok, babe, but fuck that shit hurts," Randy says. "This is getting out of hand," Stu said, pissed and worried. I nodded in agreement.

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