Chapter 9

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Scarlett got out of the shower and made her way downstairs and saw Kaylee on the couch.

"want to watch a movie or something?" Kaylee asked.

"Sure," Scarlett said and sat down on the couch next to Kaylee.

"I talked to Julie and there is a part open if you want to try it out," Kaylee said.

"ok when is the audition?" Scarlett asked.

"it is tomorrow," Kaylee said.

"but what am I going to do about school since tomorrow is my first day?" she asked.

"I talked to mom and she said that you could do homeschool if you wanted to," Kaylee said.

Scarlett nodded "ok that works for me," she said.

Kaylee nodded "anyway what movie do you want to watch?" she asked.

"any works for me," Scarlett said.

Kaylee nodded and put a Harry Potter movie on.

The movie ended 2 hours later. Scarlett looked at the time. "what are we doing for dinner?" she asked.

Kaylee looked over at her "I don't know what would you want to do?" she asked.

Scarlett shrugged "I have no idea what I want to do," she said.

"do you want pizza?" Kaylee asked.

"sure that works for me," she said.

Kaylee nodded and ordered the pizza.

Time skip to a couple of days after the audition.

Scarlett was in her room when she got a call from Julie.

'hello,' Scarlett said.
'hey Scarlett just wanted to let you know you got the part' Julie said.

'wait! Really!' Scarlett said excitedly.
'yep you sure did we will see you tomorrow' Julie said.

'ok see you tomorrow' Scarlett said.

Scarlett put her phone in her pocket and made her way downstairs to where Kaylee

"hey, Kaylee I got the part," Scarlett told her.

Kaylee smiled and got up from where she is and made her way to Scarlett "I'm happy for you" she said and pulled her into a hug.

Scarlett smiled back and hugged her back.

"wanna go out and celebrate with the cast?" Kaylee asked.

"yea sure but where will we go?" Scarlett asked.

"I was thinking we could go out and eat and then go bowling or something like that" Kaylee said.

Scarlett nodded "that works for me," she said.

Kaylee nodded and grabbed her phone and texted in the groupchat they made.

"ok, it looks like everyone is coming," Kaylee said.

Scarlett nodded "ok"

Kaylee looked at the time "we can go ahead and go now if you want to" she said.

"ok let me go and put some shoes on," Scarlett said and went to her room and put a pair on and then went back to where Kaylee is.

Then they made their way to her car and got in and Kaylee drove to the diner. Once they got there they got out and walked in and made their way to the back where the others are.

Jenny got up from her seat and went to hug Scarlett. "congrats on getting the part" she said.

Scarlett smiled and hugged her back "thank you, Jen," she said.

Jenny nodded "you're welcome," she said and pulled away from the hug.

Once Jenny sat back down everyone else came up to Scarlett and congratulated her on getting the part.

They sat down back down and talked until the food came. Once they were done eating they made their way to the bowling alley.

Once inside they grabbed the shoes and went to set everything up for the round. After the first round, Peyton won and Kaylee won.

"so another round?" Quincy asked.

Everyone nodded and the 2nd round started. Once that match was over there was a tie. Quincy won and Jordan and Scarlett tied.

"guess we are both winners," Jordan said.

"yea this time it is but probably the next time I will win," Scarlett said.

Jordan shook her head "we will see about that" she said.

Scarlett shook her head "ok if you say so" she said.

After talking a little while longer they all decided to go home. When Scarlett was about to walk out with Kaylee Jordan stopped her.

"can I talk to you for a moment?" she asked.

Scarlett nodded and turned to Kaylee "I will be there in a minute" she said.

Kaylee nodded and went to the car. Scarlett turned back to Jordan.

"so what's up?" she asked.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me?" Jordan asked.

Scarlett smiled "sure I would love to" she said.

Jordan smiled "sweet. I was thinking we could on our date tomorrow after we done on set for the day" she said.

Scarlett nodded "ok can't wait" she said and was about to walk out when Jordan stopped her again.

"also wear something casual" she said.

Scarlett nodded and then went to Kaylee's car and got in and Kaylee drove back home.

That's it for this chapter hope you like it. And I know I never say this but I want thank you for all the reads, votes, comments, and followers. I really appreciate it.

Word count: 850

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