chapter 2

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Scarlett's pov:
I just got to my locker when Ellie came up to me. But I also noticed someone was filming because they probably knew there was going to be a fight

Scarlett: what do you want

Ellie: we are skipping school

Scarlett: I'm not skipping anymore or sneaking out anymore with you

Ellie: why are you scared that you are going to live with Kaylee

Scarlett: I'm going to live with her anyway

Ellie: but why do you look so happy that you're going

Scarlett: for one because I won't see you anymore

Ellie: but I thought you hated her

Scarlett: I don't hate Kaylee it's just complicated

Then I shut my locker and was about to go past her when she pulled me back

Ellie: just skip, please

Scarlett: no because I don't need a friend who wants me or ask me to sneak out or skip every few days and I'm done, I'm done with us

Ellie: but we are E and S

Scarlett: not anymore find you a new best friend who will sneak out or skip school, but I'm not her anymore

Ellie: so what you just going to stop being me my friend

Scarlett: yeah because you are not a very good one if you are wanting me to skip or sneak out

Ellie: you have changed

Scarlett: Yeah I know and it is a good change

Then I walked away, but she caught up to me and turned me around

Scarlett: would you just quit trying

Then she just punched me

Ellie: maybe they will knock some sense into you

Scarlett: I don't need any sense knocked into me but if it is someone it should be you

Ellie: you did not just say that

Scarlett: yes yes I did

Then Ellie punched me in the eye but I just pushed her and she fell back

Scarlett: I'm not going to fight you

Ellie: why are you a chicken

Scarlett: no I'm just trying to change my ways

Ellie: I know you want to punch me

Scarlett: maybe but I'm not going to

Ellie: fight me

Scarlett: no

Then she pushed me into the lockers and I'm not going to lie it hurt, and I also had an enough of her so I decided to punch her and that's when a fight broke out between us and then someone had to break us up and the principal came out and told me to go to the principles office.

Larry: I hate to say this but you are expelled

Scarlett: it was self-defense she started it

Larry: I don't care

Scarlett: of course just because you are related to her you favor her

Larry: that's not true

Scarlett: yes it is

Larry: your mom is on the way so clean your locker out

Scarlett: fine I will be glad to get out of here and never see you again

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