chapter 3

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There is going to be some cussing in this chapter just letting you know.

Scarlett's pov:
After some time I woke up and looked at the time and saw that it was 7 so I got up and went to the living room and I saw everyone sitting on the couch, but before any of them said something my phone started to ring and I looked and saw it was Ellie so I answered it.

"What hell do you want," I said harshly

"What I can't call my best friend," she said

"How many times do I have to tell you we are not best friends anymore we are enemies," I said

I could feel everyone eyes on me but right now I didn't care

"So I see you are at your sister's then," she said

"What the hell do you mean by that," I said

"Because I'm outside your window at your mom's and I see most of your stuff gone," she said

"Yeah I told you I was going to stay with her," I said

"Yeah but you didn't even say bye," she said

"I wasn't going to because you and every student and the principal are just asses and I'm glad I'm not there anymore because every single person in that school beside the teachers are fake," I said

"We are not asses or fake you are," she said

"Oh really says the person who wanted me to sneak out and skip school and also I'm the ass or fake? Really that just proves what you are" I said

"I'm not fake or an ass Scarlett," she said

But before I answered her Kaylee came took my phone and told her to leave me alone and hung up.

"You know you didn't have to do that right," I said

"Yeah I know but I wanted to," she said handing my phone back to me

"Well thanks," I said grabbing it back

"So Sky got a bf," Jenny asked

"No," I said "which I probably won't be able to get one because of mom and dad and this one," I said pointing at Kaylee

"You got that right" Kaylee said

"So what's for dinner," I asked

"Probably chipotle if that's ok with you," Kaylee said

"Yeah that's fine," I said "and also when do I start school," I asked

"In a week," Kaylee said

"Ok," I said

Then I got a call from mom, and everyone looked my way when I answered it

"Hey mom," I said

"Hey how are you doing up there," she asked

"I'm fine," I said "what about you," I asked

"I'm good, but there's something I need to tell you," she said

"Ok," I said not liking where this is going

"Collin knows where you are,"  she said

"How," I asked

"I don't know but he texted me and said he knows where you are," she said

"So what am I going to do," I asked

"Nothing I will handle it," she said

"Mom..." I said

"I'm sorry it's the only way to try and keep you safe," she said

I put my phone away from my ear

"I'm gonna go to the park I will be back," I said

Then Kaylee nodded and I got my shoes on and walked out and then put my phone back to my ear and Walked while still talking to my mom.

"I'm sorry mom but I'm not letting you handle this," I said

"What are you talking about," she asked

"I'm sorry," I said and hung up

I walked to the park and saw Collin there, when he heard someone coming he looked up and saw me

"Well hello there daughter," he said

"Why do you want custody of me," I asked

"Because you my daughter," he said

"So what if I am? But I know for a fact that I'm not calling you dad" I said

"So here's the plan," he said "you are coming with me and I don't care what your mom says or your sister oh wait she doesn't know," he said

"I'm not coming with you," I said

"Fine see you in court," he said "oh by the way I'm having the papers delieved to your sister's apartment tomorrow," he said and then walked off

Then I called mom

"He wants to go to court" I said

"Yea I know I just got the message" she said

"So Kaylee's going to find out now" I said

"Yeah I know" she said

"I hate this" I said

"Yea same" she said

"Anyway I should head back before Kaylee has a cow because I've been gone for a while" I said

"Ok so how are you guys doing are you getting along" she asked

"Yea we are getting there" I said

"Well good, anyway I will talk to you later" she said

"Ok bye mom love you" I said

"Bye love you to" she said

Then she hung up and I went back to the apartment and went in and saw everyone was either on the couch or at the table but when I shut the door they looked at me

"What?" I asked

Then they looked away and said nothing, then after some time the food came and we ate and what I didn't eat I put it in the fridge and told them good night and they said it back and I went up to my room and got ready for bed and put my phone on the charger and went to bed.

Sorry guys this is going to be it for this chapter I hope you like it
Well bye for now

Word Count: 946

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