Chapter 11

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(just heads up I don't know how court stuff goes so I will just do it how I thank it will go)

Scarlett walked into the room where they will holding the case. When she walked in and looked to her left and saw Collin. He looked at her and smiled.

She shook her head and made her way to her seat with her mom and their lawyer and the others went to the seat behind them.

    Time skip to when it starts.

The judge came out of a room and sat down in his chair and looked around.

"so we are here today to fight for custody of Scarlett Bryant so let's get started," he told them.

The judge then looked at Scarlett's mom "would you mind going to the stand please?" he asked.

Kristina sighed and went up to the stand and sat down. Then Collin's attorney or Lawyer got up from his seat and made his way to the front where Kristina is.

"I'm gonna ask you some questions," he told her.

Kristina nodded "why is Collin not in his daughter's life?" he asked.

"because he is not a good man he put something in my drink one night at a party and one thing lead to another and I got pregnant by him when I was already married, I never told the cops because he threatened me to not tell the cops or he would kill her in my wound," she said.

"ok, but what if changed and wants to be in his daughter's life?" he asked.

Kristina shook her head "no he just wants her so I won't have her, he never cared for her, he just did it to get back at my husband for something he did to him years ago" she said.

Lucas nodded "ok well Collin told me that you never let him see her and that he tried so many times but you also said no, why is that?" he asked.

Kristina let out a huff "I told you what he did to me and how he has treated me and that he never cared for me" she said.

Lucas was about to say something else but the judge cut him off "I think that is enough Kristina you can go back to your chair now" he said.

Kristina nodded and went back to her seat and wrapped an arm around Scarlett. The judge then looked at Collin. "please come to the stand" he told him.

Collin got up from his chair and made his way to the stand and sat down and Emma Scarlett's lawyer got up to ask him some questions.

"Why do you want to be in your daughter's life after what you put them through?" she asked.

Collin signed and then looked to his daughter but she didn't look at him. "because she is my daughter and I just want to be in her life and like Lucas said I have changed" he said.

"liar" Scarlett mumbled.

"What did Garett do to you years ago?" she asked.

"he didn't do anything I don't know why Kristina is lying but I did nothing to get back at Garett and at the party, Kristina had a lot to drink so I didn't put anything in her drink so I was drunk that night too," he said.

Emma nodded "have you ever laid a finger on Scarlett?" she asked.

Collin started to get defensive "no of course, not I would never lay a hand on her, and I never have," he said.

Emma nodded and went back to her seat and sat down. The judge looked at Scarlett "do you want to ask Collin any questions?" the judge asked.

"yea I actually would," Scarlett said standing up.

It shocked everyone that she was gonna ask some questions. Scarlett walked up to him and stood in front of him.

"Hello, Collin," she said and looked him right in the eye.

That made him comfortable and he looked anywhere but her.

"So why are you lying?" she asked.

Collin turned to look at her "what do you mean I am not lying" he said.

Scarlett rolled her eyes "yes you are I know when someone is lying" she said.

Collin rolled his eyes "I'm not lying and you can't prove it" he said.

"oh is that a challenge well game on," she said.

She looked behind her and nodded and Jordan and then turned back to Collin and smirked and stepped back.

Then the screen turned on and everyone turned to it and saw all the proof of what Collin has said or done. Once it was over the judge called for some officers, and they came in and brought him away.

"this is not over" Collin said while being dragged away.

The judge looked over and smiled "you did good kid" he said.

Scarlett smiled and thanked him. The others came and did a group hug.

"let's go celebrate" Quincy said.

The others agreed and they made their way out of the building and into their cars and drove to a steak house.

That's it for this chapter hope you like it. And the next chapter will probably be the last one for this book.

Word count: 878

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