STEELSONG: The noble fraud

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Little by little I regained consciousness. My mind could only recognize a terrible song on the radio. One of those songs that become popular because of their rhythm, but you don't understand what the hell it says.

My body wanted to move, but just trying the pain in my stomach and the searing sensation in my chest caused a groan. And not one I was proud of, that sound would haunt me for as long as I live.

Then I noticed that I was no longer inside that dirty shed. I was inside a car and it was dawn.

Where the hell were they taking me? I should be dead, why was I still alive?

"Wow," said the person driving without turning to look at me. She spoke jokingly, as if she was laughing. "The sleeping beauty has awakened. "

Next to her, in the passenger seat, was a petite girl with short hair who turned to see me with a smile.

"Here," she said, handing me a tissue. "There you have disinfectant medicine for the wound. We covered it when we got you out, but the bandage must have fallen off. The road is not paved and we had to leave in a hurry so as not to be discovered. "

"Admit you were only interested in seeing his bare chest, little girl," the person behind the wheel spoke to her, I could see her mocking eyes through the rearview mirror. They were dark, just like her skin.

"Yeah, leave me alone," she grumbled adorably.

I started to clean the wound on my chest, it didn't seem deep, but it was beating like it had its own heart.

"Who are you? ¨

¨None other than those of us who saved your life, Zima Yura, "answered the girl behind the wheel. "It would be nice of you to say 'thank you'. "

Was this better? I had no idea where they were taking me, it seemed that little by little we were getting further away from any trace of civilization. Also, why did they know my name?

"Who was that girl? "

They did not answer.

I could barely remember what had happened next, but it was as unreal as if it were just a drug- or alcohol-induced dream.

Someone came up from behind and hit my head, covered my mouth, and then I saw blood everywhere, but it wasn't mine. The girl held a plastic bag and pierced it with the sword until it turned red. They took off my shirt, and then I staggered to my feet and walked out of that place, carried in the arms of these two people.

At some point I fainted.

"She had pity on you," the girl who was driving said. "You were lucky, if you don't take better care of your skin you won't have the same luck next time. "

I laughed softly.

"Normally people don't want to hurt me. They say it's a waste of my face, "I touched it, except for the trace of blood on my mouth, it seemed intact. "Despite everything, it got me out of this problem. "

"You're wrong, it just got you into it," the girl snorted. "Lucy is the boss's daughter, she thinks she can get whatever she wants. I bet she thought she could buy you, didn't she? You are a host, you live off the money those girls spend to spend time with you. "

"I made it very clear to her that she was just my girl as long as we stayed in the club," I replied. "But she didn't want to understand it. It doesn't matter if I'm sold as a brand or a commodity, I'm not really an object. "

"Tell her, not me," the short girl commented. "These people believe they are gods who can dispose of other people's life. Since you rejected her, she decided to ask her father to kill you. You were lucky that Ciara heard that conversation and decided to help you. "

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