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Dammit. What the hell?

I should be resting on the beach, in fact, I hated the sun when I had nothing to do but lie down, I much preferred sports activities, but Ranya deserved to rest before starting school.

It was my fault that we were both still in Bangkok because I got that call when we were about to board the plane to the islands. It was a call from this guy's secretary, Liban I don't remember what, to inform me that I was selected for a role in his famous experiment.

Because that was it, no matter how they looked at. What the hell was I getting myself into?

They sought to create a product that would attract fans and would be based largely on their preferences, so that each step to be followed would be monitored by the producer's assistants and the scriptwriters would modify some attitudes or scenarios to conform to the viewers. Was that legal? It did not seem to be fair game, at least it did not consider it completely ethical. It was clear that they had done market research to find out what people wanted to watch, at least teenagers.

"It's not about that, "the woman tried to explain to me, her name was Suri and she was in charge of public relations, who guided me to the meeting place where I would finally meet my ' colleagues'. "We know what story we want to tell, we can only modify details that do not alter the general product to make it more attractive to people who give us the opportunity to be their entertainment. "

Was I seriously thinking of quitting my job over this? The work was tedious and the pay was very poor, but here I would receive nothing. I had been talking about quitting for a long time, especially now that Ranya was taking the next step in becoming an even more competent professional. When she finished this postgraduate degree she would be at a level even further away than mine and I needed to balance things.

In addition, my mother was also there. I had to get her out of the house, I couldn't allow my father to keep messing with her head, making her believe that she should serve him as if he were her benefactor instead of her husband. I feel like he was never really either. It wasn't until I left home that I understood that. Until then I felt the same as her.

I was afraid that deep down I still felt it. And when I looked at Ranya I kept feeling that I wasn't enough, I wondered if my mother felt that when my father offered to take her to live a supposed dream life on a distant continent.

I didn't consider Ranya as my benefactor, I knew that her family was in a more stable financial situation than mine, but she was still a normal girl. But her attitudes and her intellect, her desire to be someone made me want to accompany her and support her along the way. And I couldn't do that if I continued to profile myself as useless as my father. I was afraid that she would hold back to wait for me and then regret it, or that she would get tired and decide to leave.

I was afraid of so many things that my head ends up in chaos on the way home every night after work.

I thought that this trip would give me some peace of mind, I saved enough to be able to pay the expenses of the plane ticket and invite her to this trip. I knew she wanted it for a long time but she didn't have time to travel to prepare her presentation before applying to the university. Being a scholarship holder at such a prestigious college was an achievement that we couldn't leave without celebrating... And here I was now, leaving her alone in the hotel.


The woman opened a door and stepped aside to let me into a room with white walls and little furniture.

I saw a petite girl with short light brown hair and wearing round glasses swinging her legs back and forth as she read what appeared to be her character sheet. I already knew mine, they sent it to me by mail. In this place we only met the people with whom we would spend most of the time, they have to train us all because after all, none of us were actors.

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