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"I'm Ciara. ¨

I couldn't help but smile and looked down from the script. I sat on the corner of our hotel bed. She was standing next to me and holding out her hand.

"It's not such a diplomatic meeting," I told her. "She's supposed to be about to kill me... I was wrong," I muttered.

"About what? "she asked as she finished drying her hair.

"I thought maybe you could have participated and gotten this role. But now I know that there is no way it would work out. "

She tossed the towel aside and looked at me strangely.

"Why not? "

"It would be impossible for me to act as if I hadn't just fallen in love with my killer. And the story is not about Stockholm syndrome, you know? "

She smiled again, her almond eyes lighting up and her auburn hair still dripping down her shoulders. Ranya was beautiful but I didn't fall in love with her at first sight, it wasn't until we became friends and she became my confidant that I understood that the truth I was looking for so much was in her eyes. Her gaze was clean and her temper was so stubborn that she forced me to move even when I didn't have the strength.

"Won't he end up falling in love with her?" she asked me, sitting next to me on the bed.

"I don't know, may be. That a man and a woman meet in an atypical circumstance does not always mean that they will become a couple. "

"It always happens in this shows. It's just too convenient that their first meeting is so explosive. And it can be interesting to watch, I just hope you don't have to do intimate scenes, "She laughed, but I knew she was hiding what she really felt.

"Don't worry. Nothing like that was discussed in today's meeting, it seems that we will be a group of people who meet and try to survive in a hostile environment that hides in the shadows. "

Ranya took my cellphone and looked in the gallery for the group photo that we took in the afternoon.

"They visuals are really something, "she said

"That's why they chose us. I feel that they looked at our faces and little else. We don't even know each other and suddenly they expect us to be friends and behave as if the others mean something to us. "

I'd like to think they made the decision too quickly, but actually the rest of the guys auditioned earlier than me, I was the last one on the team to be chosen. Auditions for smaller roles continued.

"You said they are nice people. "

"Mostly they are, except..."

"The king? "she joked.

Of all of them, Sarai King was the most difficult person to deal with. She repeated her lines without breathing, when she finished she looked like she was about to pass out and anyone could tell that her hands were shaking if she wasn't busy with something. What the hell were these people thinking trying to occupy such an unstable person?

"Calm down, okay? You still have time to decide if this is what you want. You haven't signed the contract yet. "

I could only nod before returning to the script, the lines blurring before my eyes. Ranya started rummaging through the shopping bags that she had done in the afternoon at the mall.

"Look" she told me, showing me a couple of shirts. "I bought them for you, so that you can show up to the workshops tomorrow looking even more handsome. "

Shirts and pants that do not quite cover the ankles due the heat. I couldn't believe I was getting used to this.

"Do you want to join me tomorrow? "

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