The calm before the storm

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Warning! This chapter contains mentions of blood as well as some nsfw

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Warning! This chapter contains mentions of blood as well as some nsfw. So, if you're uncomfortable, just skip the nsfw section! I made sure to include a warning when the nsfw was about to begin so you could easily skip it!

"Hah?! You don't recognize me at all?! How can you forget somebody as fabulous as me?!" Asmo said while shacking me furiously. He appeared to transform into his demon form out of nowhere. "Hey! Get your hands off the human Asmo! It's not yours!" Mammon yelled as he took my hand in his and pulled me away from Asmo. "Shut the hell up! How can he forget about me?! Me?! The most handsome man anyone has ever met?! How can you forget about me that easily?" Asmo raged. It was tinged with sadness, but the anger overpowered it. He looked like he was about to strangle me.

I decided to make Mammon hide behind me so I could protect him in case Asmo went berserk and attacked one of us. This seemed to enrage Asmo even more. He clenched his teeth and grabbed a nearby vase, throwing it at us. For some reason, the vase was aimed at Mammon, but I pushed him to the side and let myself be hit. My arm was bruised, with blood dripping from the scratches left by the vase. Mammon stared at me in horror, then at my bloodied and bruised arm.

"Who do you think you are, Asmodeus, to throw something at Solaris?! I'm going to make you pay for what you've done!" Mammon yelled, transforming into his demon form. 'I have to stop this,' I thought, but just as I stood up, a figure popped up between the two. Another Demon had appeared. He had black hair that was parted on the right side of his face and dark eyes with a red gradient in them.

"Ah, it appears that you two have caused yet another commotion. I expect you two to be prepared for a severe punishment not only for breaking my favorite vase, but also for almost causing the exchange program to collapse. If that vase had hit the human in the head, he would have been severely injured or comatose. Just so you know, that stupid twin of his won't let that slide. His twin would have canceled the exchange program between humans and demons, but since this human is also related to Simeon and that Chihuahua, they would've have ended the exchange program between both the Celestial realm and the demons as well. Meaning that, if that vase would have struck him in the head, the human and celestial realm will never accept demons again," he said, looking down at the two.

He didn't even wait for the two to speak before turning to face me and motioning me to come with him. I obeyed, and when he began walking, I naturally followed. We arrived at a luxurious and spacious room. I didn't even notice him sitting at the edge of the bed because I was too busy looking around. "Human, come here," he said sternly. I looked at him, perplexed. What was I supposed to do? He appeared to catch up, tapping his foot on the ground. So it appears that I now belong on the floor. I knelt in front of him and glanced at him, waiting for his next order. He smiled and yanked my face, forcing me to look at him. He said, "Your arm." As he shook his head and grabbed my bloodied arm, I extended my unharmed arm to him. He took out a bandage and began slowly wrapping it around my hand. It hurts a little, but I can deal with it. At the very least, it's not as bad as having your arm severed. I also didn't notice any bandages on him.

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