"I Missed You Too"

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"You're so cute when you're angry" Robby then gently punched Tory on the arm and then looked deep into her eyes "I think you owe me something to eat" Tory said smiling "Oh Tor, how about we go to that Indian place you love, I can give them a call to get our order ready?" Tory then smiled "Sounds great" Robby then took out his phone and called the restraunt, after he got off the phone, Robby put his arm out to Tory, and they walked out of the hospital arm on arm, similar to when they entered prom, Robby and Tory soon enough arrived at the Indian Restraunt, and once they entered, they both heard a voice shout from the back of the restaurant "Robby!" Miguel shouted, who was also the restraunt with Sam, Sam then smiled "Oh, Hey you guys" Although Tory and Sam put aside their rivalry, and didn't HATE eachother anymore, that didn't mean Tory was the best of friends with Sam, or the other way about, Tory then gave them a polite smile, Robby then led Tory over to the table Miguel and Sam were sitting at "Hey, are you two celebrating?" Robby asked Miguel and Sam
"Sort of" Sam said smiling at Miguel
"Having a victory party?" Tory asked them both
"Well, that too, but tonight we finally confessed our love for eachother..." Robby and Tory felt a bit awkward, not because they were jealous if their exes, just because of the awkward silence creeping about in the room, Miguel quickly broke that silence by saying "So have you two ordered?" Robby then replied
"Yeah, I phoned it in" Miguel then smiled "Me too, anyways, do you guys wanna sit with us and we'll have a victory meal?" Tory wasn't 100% on the idea, but she knew she couldn't do anything about it "Yeah sure" Tory said sitting down with Robby "So, you guys look comfy, back together I assume?" Sam said smiling, Tory then looked at Robby "Yeah, we are" Robby also looked at Tory, taking in every beautiful feature on her face, Miguel then kicked Robby under the table
"Alright, get a room!" Miguel said laughing, Robby then rolled his eyes
"Yeah we will be getting a room babe" Tory said winking at Robby, Sam then quickly interfered "Okay Okay take it easy and behave yourselves!" Sam said laughing hysterically
"Lamb Buna for the Lady, and Chicken Buna for the gentleman" a waiter said placing Sam and Miguel's food on the table, Another waiter then said from the other side of the room "Is there a Robby Keene here?" Robby then put his hand up signalling the waiter that it was him, the waiter then sat Robby and Tory's food infront of them.
As they were all eating, Robby and Tory had remained this eye contact, Robby kept doing things every so often, like touching her hand, pulling her hair out of her face, giving her the puppy eyes, Robby then put his arm around Tory while he was talking to Sam, he made sure to make a bold statement, he wanted the whole restraunt to know that Tory was NOT up for grabs. Once they had all finished, Sam and Miguel decided they were gonna head home "That's late enough for me" Sam said looking at her watch, Miguel stood up alongside Sam "We should get going too" Robby said to Tory who then stood up "Yeah, I need to check on my mother" Nobody knew what to do or say next so Miguel then leaned over the table and gave Robby and awkward bro hug, Sam and Tory weren't quite at that level of friendship, after Robby came out of that hug, he instantly took Tory's arm "Nice to see you again Sam" Robby said to his ex-girlfriend, Sam replied with a smile "You too Robby" Robby and Tory were soon enough out of that building "I'll walk you home" Robby said wrapping his arm around Tory's waist, Tory then smiled then started walking with Robby. "I'm glad you and Miguel are friends" Tory said genuinely "Me too, we're not even just friends, we could possibly be future step bros" Tory started laughing at the thought of Miguel and Robby being "Step-Bros" Tory started laughing even more which resulted with a punch in the arm from Robby "Who would've thought, you and Diaz, Diaz and you, STEP BROS" Robby smiled "I know, it's crazy, what about you and Sam? Any chance of a friendship there" Tory rolled her eyes "Ugh, I don't have a crystal ball Robby" Tory said standing at her door, Robby then looked at Tory longingly, he then leaned in and kissed her, Tory then pulled away "I missed you..." Tory mumbled against his lips "I missed you too"

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