"I Guess I'll See You Later..."

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A few days had past since Robby and Tory admitted their love for eachother, Tory finally had a stable relationship, with someone who loved and cared about her, Robby was in the exact same position, he loved Tory and he knew she felt the same way about him. What could go wrong?
"Tonight is the night? Are you feeling nervous?" Kim sat down, she had been visiting Silver in prison everyday
"Being nervous is weak, I'm excited, excited for you to leave my life for good, I better receive that 20 grand!" Terry nodded
"Don't worry, I guarantee you'll receive your money, now, we need to go over our plan one more time" Kim sat in silence
"You take Nichols to that abandoned garage, tell her you just wanna talk, once you've led her there, you run, leave the rest to me, I have dug up an old friend to help me get out of here, I'll hold her hostage for a few hours then I'll..." Kim nodded
"I better get going, I wanna make this quick" Kim stood up
"I guess I'll see you later..."

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