"I Won't Let Her Hurt You"

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The next morning Tory woke up quite early, since she was now out of Cobra Kai, she had to go job hunting, which was a difficult thing to do because of her criminal records, Tory decided to look through her wardrobe to try and find something presentable to wear, as she was rummaging through her clothes, she found something that caused memories to flood back into her brain, she found the Cobra Kai Gi she wore to the tournament, along with some of her old Cobra Kai merch, she picked up her Gi and ran her fingers along the stitching
"Give it up, for your first female champion, Tory Nichols!"
Tory could practically hear the audience clapping, she remembered how Robby picked her up and spun her around, that was the best moment of her life, and Silver ruined that, all of that hate started to flood Tory's body again "UGH" Tory then threw her Gi across her room, causing her lamp to fall on the ground, Tory then looked herself in the mirror
"Do you see what you've done..."  Tory said feeling nothing but resentment for Silver, Tory then looked at her hands, which were still bruised up
"It's the boy isn't it"
"You act strong but inside you're soft"
"You're feelings have made you weak"
"You care more about this boy than you're own dojo"
Those words haunted Tory over and over again, Tory was that lost in her thoughts that she didn't even realise the door to her room had opened
"Hey babe" Robby said from across the room, Tory gasped and got into a fighting stance "WHAT DO YO-" Tory then realised who it was standing in front of her, tears started streaming down Tory's cheek as she ran into Robby's arms
"Tor, you okay?" Robby asked concerned
"I-I'm scared" Tory said shaking
Robby then wrapped his arms around Tory even tighter
"Tor, you're always safe when you're with me, don't be scared" Tory started shaking even more
"It's not you I'm scared of..."  Robby then came to a realisation
"Tor, Silver can't hurt you anymore, he's gone" Tory then looked up at Robby
"But Kim Da Eun can..." Robby then put his finger on Tory's chin, gently lifting her face up so she looked at him
"I won't let her hurt you"

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