"We Need a Plan"

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"I'm never gonna get a job!" Tory then thought for a moment before saying
"Job hunting is officially over, I'm going over to Johnny's to see Robby" Tory then made her way over to Johnny's apartment which wasn't too far away, Tory was a fast walker, so within 15 minutes, she was standing at her boyfriends fathers door, Tory then took a deep breath and gently knocked, it only took Johnny about 1000 years to open the door
"Hey" Tory said to Johnny
"Robby! You're girlfriend is here" Johnny then signalled Tory in, Tory could see that Johnny was a bit drunk, as he was staggering, Robby then looked at Tory
"Hey babe, what brings you here, are you okay?" Tory looked at Robby and smiled
"Yeah, I'm okay, you sure you two are okay? You haven't got my man drunk have you" Tory said looking at Johnny
"Of course I didn't get him drunk, I got him hammered"' Robby rolled his eyes
"Don't listen to him! I missed you" Johnny then done the exact same eye roll
"Oh come on! You only seen her this morning"
"Aww, way to ruin the moment dad" Tory giggled
"I just wanted to see you babe, no worries, you two continue your little drinking session, I'm gonna visit Devon to make sure she's okay after last night" Johnny had a soft spot for Devon, they had a strong bond while she was in Eagle Fang
"Tell Devon that I said Hi" Tory nodded
"Will do, I'll see you Robz" Tory didn't feel comfortable kissing Robby infront of his dad, so she turned around to leave, but before she could walk any further away, Robby grabbed her arm and pulled her into a kiss
"See you Tor" Robby said smiling, Tory smiled back and then she left, although Tory experienced a let down that day, she also experienced something she had never experienced before, she experienced what it was like to feel cared for, she experienced what felt like.... Love
"I'm gonna need a lot more than 10 grand" Terry gasped
"Well, How much...?" Kim thought for a second
"Double it" Terry shook his head in shock
"20 GRAND?" Kim nodded
"That's the price, if you want me to help you get Nichols off the radar, you'll need to pay up" Terry put his face in his hands
"Fine, but at that price I except your 110% effort, I'm gonna dig up a few of my old friends to help me get out of here, That girl, is done, I'll make sure of that, even if it is the last thing I do" Kim couldn't believe what she had got herself into
"What about the boy? I think he'll notice if his dear girlfriend were to go missing" Silver smiled
"I'll take care of him too, his punishment will be watching her, well you know what he'll witness"
"We need a plan"

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