"I'm Never Gonna Get A Job!"

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"So, what do you have in mind?" Terry smiled
"My reputation is already in tatters, it doesn't matter what she thinks of me, it matters what she thinks of you, lead her on to believe that I forced you to do those teachings or something, make her believe that you are the sympathetic and understanding sensei, introduce her to your students, gain her trust, then tell her to meet you at a low profile area, then you can just leave things to me, I'll take her out of the game"
"You seem to have this thought out, but the problem is, you haven't thought it out very well, you're in jail! How do you expect to break out" Terry had only been in his cell for one night, but he had thought of every possibility under the sun
"Don't worry about it, So do we have a deal?" Kim looked at Silver and shook her head, Silver then sighed then stood up
"Did I tell you to move?" Kim said with a serious tone, Silver then sat back down
"I'm gonna need a lot more than 10 grand"
The first place Tory went to was a perfume shop, as soon as she entered the place she noticed the strong smell of flowers, which was the scent her mother always wore
"EXCUSE me Ma'am, Can I help you?" Tory then nodded
"Yeah, I'm Tory, Tory Nichols, I was wondering if there is any available job positions?" The cashier then replied "I'll go get the manager" Tory stood there for what felt like hours, until the manager finally came along
"Miss Nichols, That right?" Tory nodded
"Yeah, that's me" The manager smiled
"Come through to my office" Tory followed the store manager into his office and sat down
"We usually don't just take random people from the street, but we are in need for staff so I'll let it slip"
"So, what was the last job you were in?" Tory then started to think back to that day
"Wow, and I thought you were bad at fighting!"
"Look, there she is, trying to blend in with the crowd!"
"Die evil witch!"
"Miss Nichols?" Tory then snapped out of her thoughts
"I worked at a kids party place"
"Reason for leaving the job?"
"I quit"
"And why is that?"
"Personal reasons" The manager decided to push his luck
"Would you like to state one?"
The manager felt slightly frightened
"YOU KNOW WHAT, I DON'T WANT TO WORK IN YOUR CRAPPY LITTLE SHOP" Tory then stormed out of the building
"I'm never gonna get a job!"

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