"Give Me A Date"

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"I Love You Too Robby" Tory then leaned across the table to kiss Robby, when Robby and Tory's lips finally met, it was alot more passionate than any other time they had kissed, all of those months, prom, the waterpark, everything that they had been through, had finally paid off, and they were in a better place than they had ever been, they were in love
"So? What did Nichols say?" Kim looked down
"You're kidding me right?" Terry said with rage in his voice
"I told her exactly what you told me to tell her, it's no use, your former champ isn't interested in repeating history, your plan isn't going to work, Tory won't come back" Terry leaned closer to Kim
"Who said my plan still won't work? That was just Plan A, now, we have no choice but go onto Plan B" Kim rolled her eyes
"Go on then, tell me another one of your 'Amazing Plans' let's see if you can come back from this one" Terry exhaled
"You go back to her house, ask her if you guys can 'Talk' act sympathetic, just as we planned, take her down the road I told you about, lead her to that specific location I also told you about, then your part is over, 20 grand in your bank account, you can move back to Korea, and have a fresh start" Kim looked deep into Silver's eyes
"Give me a date"

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