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beeeeeep, beeeeep, bee-

hyunjin woke to the sound of his alarm. Still half asleep he reached for his phone to turn off the alarm and check the time. He groaned as he laid back down on his bed. It was 9 and if he didn't get ready now he was going to miss his 9:30 am math class. Yes! he thought, i have math. Knowing that hyunjin got out of his bed and went to the bathroom to do his business (washing face, brushing teeth, etc..). It was 9:15 when he slipped on some real clothes. He picked out an oversized white graphic tee, baggy light washed jeans, and a black zip-up. He packed his bag which consisted of a graphic calculator, a pencil case, notebooks, and a laptop. 9:23.

"Urgh, why don't you pick any earlier class," groaned his roommate as he walked out of the bedroom.

"Oh, um sorry for waking you up," said hyunjin quietly. He didn't want to piss off his roommate anymore than he already had.

"Yeah you should be," muttered felix. Hyunjin wondered why he tried so hard.

"YeAH yOu shOuld bE," mocked hyunjin.

"Piss off dude," felix rolled his eyes, "hope that fucking crowd comes and runs you over," he muttered the last part.

Hyunjin had almost forgotten about the people crowding him. It made him want to cry. He checked the time again. 9:25. Shit, he thought. Hyunjin takes his bag and bolts out the door. He runs down and out of his dorm building and straight into the math building right next to their dorm. He looks around for lecture hall 2 and finds the door. He slows down his pace and opens the door quietly and slips in. He finds his seat at the back of the class where no one can crowd him too much. He sits at the spot closest to the right wall and pulls out his notebooks and pens. 

9:30. He faces the front and the small short man also known as Mr. Kim begins speaking.

"Hello class, My name is Kim Namjoon. Or Mr. Kim as you guys know. And welcome to Math 3303," he says with a gruff voice.

Math class past like a blur. those 2 hours of math passed by quickly for Hyunjin. Of course, that's because he enjoys math. For him it was easier understanding numbers rather than people. (/ this is a time skip bc i don't understand math and i have no idea what they do in math class)

11:30. Hyunjin walked out of his math class feeling quite happy. He decided to go to the dinning hall to grab some lunch. The dinning hall was this huge building. It had super tall ceiling with hanging chandeliers. It was old, hyunjin liked old architecture. It was around a 5 minute walk from the math building to the dinning hall and once he was there, he took a salad to go. 

walking out of the dinning hall he encountered a big problem. The people crowding him yesterday. He tried to make himself look small and like any other guy but that didn't work, because he was taller than average.

"Omg look, it's that popular guy," he heard the whispers of people.

one by one a big group of people crowded around him.

"Hi my name is Mina, what's your's,"

"Heyy bestie, my name is irene, how bout you?"

"Hey dude, i go by changbin, what your name,"

too many people, too many people, too many people, too many people, too many people....

"Guys, i'm sorry, but i'mm just trying to get to class," he said quietly.

"Oh no way what class are you going to?" some said trying to stay a big longer.

too many people, too many people, too many people, too many people, too many people....

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