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hyunjin :

felix didn't yell at me this time. He hugged me. I bent down and began to sob quietly.

"god, i was so scared, thank you so much," i whispered.

"it's all good, don't worry about a thing,"


I walked back to my dorm, it was currently 10 and i just had a music class. I open the door and minho is sat on the couch with a tight with tee-shirt and gray sweatpants.

"I'm back home,"

"K" he says not looking up from his phone.

Jisung took off his shoes and walked towards minho and sat on the couch next to him. 

"What are you doin,"

"Just on tiktok," minho said.

The phone notification bar popped up and minho took the call.

"Hi mom,"

"Yeah, i'm doing great."


"Yes i'm done all my homework,"

Oh shoot, homework. Jisung began breathing heavily he had chem work to do in two days and he hadn't started. he didn't understand a thing. Holy crap, holy crap, i'm going to fail, i'm going to be a disappointment. He was having an attack. Painful tears stung his eyes. He couldn't breathe.

Minho looked over to jisung and saw the painc in his face, "Mom, I need to go, i love you, i'll call you back."

Minho turned off his phone and rested his hands on Jisung's shoulders drawing him in close.

"Jisung, breath with me okay. In, out, In, out,"

His breath began to slow down.

"Jisung, what's wrong," minho said once jisung's started breathing easier.

"I-I have chem work and it's due in two days and i didn't start and i don't understand a thing and im going to be a disappointment. I'm going to fail everyone, I'm going to fail everyone,"

"Jisung stop," Minho's voice was serious.

The smaller male let a tear loose. Minho pulled jisung in and let his head rest on his chest.

"Hannie, everything is good. I'll help you and we'll finish it by tomorrow," minho's voice soothed jisung.

Hannie, jisung thought about the nickname and his heart fluttered. Jisung wiggled his way to the crook of Minho's head where he relaxed letting minho's hand slide up and down his back soothingly.

"Minho, thank you so much,"

Jisung felt minho's heartbeat quicken. He chuckled, he know what minho likes, him.

"It's no problem hannie,"


(so this chapter has some 💋♥️🌶 if yk what i mean and if ur not comfortably with this stuff that u can just skip it)

He and felix spent the rest of their night doing math homework. Hyunjin mostly helped Felix through the stuff concepts that they learned of during their class.

"Hyunjin, I don't get this problem" felix called him.

"What dont you understand?" Hyunjin said peering over Felix's shoulder

"This part of the problem," Felix said pointed at his paper.

Hyunjin took the pencil and begain explaining from felix's back. He moved closer their faces almost touching. Felix wasn't fully paying attention to what hyunjin was saying. He was only think about how closer they were to each other.

"You get it now?" hyunjin's voice said snapping felix out of his thoughts

"Y-Yeah" he said not being able to get his eyes off hyunjin's lips.

"You good?"

"Yeah, you just have some paint on you eyebrow"

"Really, well i had art class"

Felix moved over to where hyunjin was siting and got on his knees to reach hyunjin's eyebrow comfortably to remove the paint. When felix was done he got back to hyunjin's eye level and the world stopped moving. The lost themselves in each other's eyes giving each other a look of love.

Hyunjin grabbed felix's cheeks (face istg), "Oh god felix please don't hate me for what i do next"

Hyunjin pulled felix in and their lips landing on each other's. Felix's lips were soft and sweet. They tasted like strawberry lip balm. The kiss was slow and real.

hyunjin pulled away first. They looked at each other more, out of breath. "Do you wanna continue?"

"God, hyunjin, of course."

Felix jumped on hyunjin lap and straddled him as their lips crashed on each other's. Hyunjin's hands traveled up felix's shirt traveling his skin. Hyunjin moved his lips from Felix's strawberry lips to his skin, sucking down on Felix's neck with such force that felix sucked a breath in. Hyunjin did it more lightly, not wanting to hurt felix.

"Felix your mine, no one else's," hyunjin growled on felix's skin. Hoping that his message would sink in."

"Hyunjin i'd never have know you were like this if you didn't kiss me," felix whispered.

"Is that a bad thing?"

"No, its a good thing. Your so fucking hot like this."

If you had told hyunjin on the first day that him and felix would be making out with eachother, fingers tangled in each other's hair, Hyunjin would have thought you were crazy.

The pair decided that they wouldn't take it further than that tonight and they relax together afterwards. Felix made him and hyunjin some ramen and they were eating it together while watching music videos on the tv.

"Felix," felix's attention snapped directly to hyunjin


"would you, um, like to, uh, be my boyfriend or something,"

Felix smiled and placed a kiss on hyunjin's forehead, "of course"

hyunjin blushed. God he loved felix.

that night they both slept in different beds, not wanting to push any boundaries.

but what they realized today is that they both really love and care for eachother.


author's note.

hey y'all. Sorry for the shorter chapter tdy. hope y'all forgive me.

BUT, WE'RE ALMOST AT 100 READS. like whattttt. thank you guys so so so much

also if you have anything to rant abt the story, you can do that in the comments positively.

luv y'all <3

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